collapse.accfile {pawacc}R Documentation

Collapse raw accelerometer files into a summary dataset


This function collapses accelerometer data into a dataframe with summary statistics.


## S3 method for class 'accfile'
collapse(object, which = "counts", palist = list(value = c(0, 100, 1000, 5000, 13000),
rescale.epoch = 60, labels = NULL, extreme = NULL), mwlist = list(value = 20,
nz = 0, rescale.epoch = 60), = "%Y-%m-%d", collapse.epoch = 60, =
NULL, FUN.list = list(mean = function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)),
keep.extreme = FALSE, keep.error = FALSE, ...)



an object of class gt1m.


either 'counts' or 'steps' for gt1m files or one of c('x','y','z','steps') for gt3x files.


list of arguments for markpa.accfile.


list of arguments for markwear.accfile.

dataset aggregation level. See argument format from strptime for options and details below.


epoch by which time spent in different physical activity modes is summarized. See details.

pre-collapsing aggregation level for accelerometer values. See argument format from strptime for options.


a named list of functions. See fun.collapse.


logical flag. If FALSE (default) extreme values will be replaced by NAs. See markpa.accfile.


logical flag. If FALSE (default) data errors as identified by errorChk will be replaced by NAs.


arguments for dateSummary.


A data frame containing the following variables

aggregation factor


file identifier


named columns according to arguments FUN and labels of palist


Marco Geraci


Geraci M, Rich C, Sera F, Cortina-Borja M, Griffiths LJ, and Dezateux C (2012). Technical report on accelerometry data processing in the Millennium Cohort Study. London, UK: University College London. Available at

See Also

markpa.accfile, markwear.accfile, fun.collapse


## Not run: 


collapse(gt1m_sample, palist = list(value = c(0, 100, 2000, 4000, 11000),
rescale.epoch = 60, labels = c("sedentary","light","moderate","vigorous","extreme_values"),
extreme = "last"), mwlist = list(value = 20,
nz = 0), = "%Y-%m-%d", collapse.epoch = 60,
FUN.list = list(mean = function(x) round(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE),2)),
keep.extreme = FALSE, keep.error = FALSE)
$outcome fileid outcome.mean sedentary  light moderate vigorous
1  2011-12-08   test       117.63    293.75 243.75    29.75     4.00
2  2011-12-09   test       157.83    349.75 143.25    33.50    24.50
3  2011-12-10   test        79.75    468.25 177.25    24.25     6.25
4  2011-12-11   test        57.96    355.50 126.00     8.50     3.25
5  2011-12-12   test        70.05    455.50 157.25    19.50     6.00
6  2011-12-13   test        72.99    475.50 181.50    15.25     8.00
7  2011-12-14   test        79.94    476.25 210.50    20.25     8.50
8  2011-12-15   test       232.50      0.00   0.50     0.00     0.00
9  2011-12-16   test          NaN      0.00   0.00     0.00     0.00
  extreme_values non-wear
1           0.00   388.75
2           6.00   883.00
3           0.50   763.50
4           0.25   946.50
5           0.00   801.75
6           0.25   759.50
7           1.50   723.00
8           0.00  1439.50
9           0.00   187.50

collapse.accfile(object = gt1m_sample, palist = list(value = c(0, 
    100, 2000, 4000, 11000), rescale.epoch = 60, labels = c("sedentary", 
    "light", "moderate", "vigorous", "extreme_values"), extreme = "last"), 
    mwlist = list(value = 20, nz = 0), = "
    collapse.epoch = 60, FUN.list = list(mean = function(x) round(mean(x, 
        na.rm = TRUE), 2)), keep.extreme = FALSE, keep.error = FALSE)

[1] "accfile.collapse"
Warning message:
In collapse.accfile(gt1m_sample, palist = list(value = c(0, 100,  :
  NAs imputed where extreme counts found

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 

collapse(gt1m_sample, palist = list(value = c(0, 100, 2000, 4000, 11000),
rescale.epoch = 60, labels = c("sedentary","light","moderate","vigorous","extreme_values"),
extreme = "last"), mwlist = list(value = 20,
nz = 0), = "%Y-%m-%d", collapse.epoch = 60,
FUN.list = list(mean = function(x) round(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE),2),
sd = function(x) round(sd(x, na.rm = TRUE),2),
"95th" = function(x) round(quantile(x, probs = .95, na.rm = TRUE),2)),
keep.extreme = TRUE, keep.error = FALSE)
$outcome fileid outcome.mean outcome.95th sedentary  light
1  2011-12-08   test       117.63     216.12       529.40    293.75 243.75
2  2011-12-09   test       201.10     567.65      1085.60    349.75 143.25
3  2011-12-10   test        81.97     221.33       465.50    468.25 177.25
4  2011-12-11   test        59.80     172.08       320.35    355.50 126.00
5  2011-12-12   test        70.05     188.49       401.00    455.50 157.25
6  2011-12-13   test        74.08     207.55       386.85    475.50 181.50
7  2011-12-14   test        87.42     275.27       415.30    476.25 210.50
8  2011-12-15   test       232.50     222.74       374.25      0.00   0.50
9  2011-12-16   test          NaN         NA           NA      0.00   0.00
  moderate vigorous extreme_values non-wear
1    29.75     4.00           0.00   388.75
2    33.50    24.50           6.00   883.00
3    24.25     6.25           0.50   763.50
4     8.50     3.25           0.25   946.50
5    19.50     6.00           0.00   801.75
6    15.25     8.00           0.25   759.50
7    20.25     8.50           1.50   723.00
8     0.00     0.00           0.00  1439.50
9     0.00     0.00           0.00   187.50

collapse.accfile(object = gt1m_sample, palist = list(value = c(0, 
    100, 2000, 4000, 11000), rescale.epoch = 60, labels = c("sedentary", 
    "light", "moderate", "vigorous", "extreme_values"), extreme = "last"), 
    mwlist = list(value = 20, nz = 0), = "
    collapse.epoch = 60, FUN.list = list(mean = function(x) round(mean(x, 
        na.rm = TRUE), 2), sd = function(x) round(sd(x, na.rm = TRUE), 
        2), `95th` = function(x) round(quantile(x, probs = 0.95, 
        na.rm = TRUE), 2)), keep.extreme = TRUE, keep.error = FALSE)

[1] "accfile.collapse"

## End(Not run)

[Package pawacc version 1.2.3 Index]