Physical Activity with Accelerometers

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Documentation for package ‘pawacc’ version 1.2.3

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pawacc-package Physical Activity with Accelerometers
aggAccFile Aggregate Accelerometry Data
collapse Collapse raw accelerometer files into a summary dataset
collapse.accfile Collapse raw accelerometer files into a summary dataset
dateSummary Date summary for accelerometer files
epochFromTS Calculate timestamp from epoch number or epoch number from timestamp
errorChk Perform error checking
fun.collapse Summary statistics
gt1mAccDir Read list of accelerometer files
gt1mAccFile Read a single accelerometer file
gt1m_sample GT1M accelerometer file
gt3xAccDir Read list of accelerometer files
gt3xAccFile Read a single accelerometer file
gt3x_sample GT3X accelerometer file
markbouts Classify accumulation of physical activity in bouts
markbouts.accfile Classify accumulation of physical activity in bouts
markbouts.acclist Classify accumulation of physical activity in bouts
markpa Classify mode of physical activity
markpa.accfile Classify mode of physical activity
markpa.acclist Classify mode of physical activity
markwear Classify wear and non-wear time
markwear.accfile Classify wear and non-wear time
markwear.acclist Classify wear and non-wear time
pawacc Physical Activity with Accelerometers
plot.gt1m Plot accelerometer file
plot.gt3x Plot accelerometer file
print.accfile Print an 'accfile' or 'acclist' Object
print.acclist Print an 'accfile' or 'acclist' Object
readAccDir Read content of a directory with accelerometer files
tsFormat Time Stamping
tsFromEpoch Calculate timestamp from epoch number or epoch number from timestamp