model_parameters {parameters}R Documentation

Model Parameters


Compute and extract model parameters. The available options and arguments depend on the modeling package and model class. Follow one of these links to read the model-specific documentation:


model_parameters(model, ...)

parameters(model, ...)



Statistical Model.


Arguments passed to or from other methods. Non-documented arguments are digits, p_digits, ci_digits and footer_digits to set the number of digits for the output. If s_value = TRUE, the p-value will be replaced by the S-value in the output (cf. Rafi and Greenland 2020). pd adds an additional column with the probability of direction (see bayestestR::p_direction() for details). groups can be used to group coefficients. It will be passed to the print-method, or can directly be used in print(), see documentation in print.parameters_model(). Furthermore, see 'Examples' in model_parameters.default(). For developers, whose interest mainly is to get a "tidy" data frame of model summaries, it is recommended to set pretty_names = FALSE to speed up computation of the summary table.


A data frame of indices related to the model's parameters.

Standardization of model coefficients

Standardization is based on standardize_parameters(). In case of standardize = "refit", the data used to fit the model will be standardized and the model is completely refitted. In such cases, standard errors and confidence intervals refer to the standardized coefficient. The default, standardize = "refit", never standardizes categorical predictors (i.e. factors), which may be a different behaviour compared to other R packages or other software packages (like SPSS). To mimic behaviour of SPSS or packages such as lm.beta, use standardize = "basic".

Standardization Methods

See also package vignette.

Labeling the Degrees of Freedom

Throughout the parameters package, we decided to label the residual degrees of freedom df_error. The reason for this is that these degrees of freedom not always refer to the residuals. For certain models, they refer to the estimate error - in a linear model these are the same, but in - for instance - any mixed effects model, this isn't strictly true. Hence, we think that df_error is the most generic label for these degrees of freedom.

Confidence intervals and approximation of degrees of freedom

There are different ways of approximating the degrees of freedom depending on different assumptions about the nature of the model and its sampling distribution. The ci_method argument modulates the method for computing degrees of freedom (df) that are used to calculate confidence intervals (CI) and the related p-values. Following options are allowed, depending on the model class:

Classical methods:

Classical inference is generally based on the Wald method. The Wald approach to inference computes a test statistic by dividing the parameter estimate by its standard error (Coefficient / SE), then comparing this statistic against a t- or normal distribution. This approach can be used to compute CIs and p-values.




Methods for mixed models:

Compared to fixed effects (or single-level) models, determining appropriate df for Wald-based inference in mixed models is more difficult. See the R GLMM FAQ for a discussion.

Several approximate methods for computing df are available, but you should also consider instead using profile likelihood ("profile") or bootstrap ("⁠boot"⁠) CIs and p-values instead.





Likelihood-based methods:

Likelihood-based inference is based on comparing the likelihood for the maximum-likelihood estimate to the the likelihood for models with one or more parameter values changed (e.g., set to zero or a range of alternative values). Likelihood ratios for the maximum-likelihood and alternative models are compared to a χ\chi-squared distribution to compute CIs and p-values.



Methods for bootstrapped or Bayesian models:

Bootstrap-based inference is based on resampling and refitting the model to the resampled datasets. The distribution of parameter estimates across resampled datasets is used to approximate the parameter's sampling distribution. Depending on the type of model, several different methods for bootstrapping and constructing CIs and p-values from the bootstrap distribution are available.

For Bayesian models, inference is based on drawing samples from the model posterior distribution.

"quantile" (or "eti")


"bci" (or "bcai")



For all iteration-based methods other than "boot" ("hdi", "quantile", "ci", "eti", "si", "bci", "bcai"), p-values are based on the probability of direction (bayestestR::p_direction()), which is converted into a p-value using bayestestR::pd_to_p().

Interpretation of Interaction Terms

Note that the interpretation of interaction terms depends on many characteristics of the model. The number of parameters, and overall performance of the model, can differ or not between a * b a : b, and a / b, suggesting that sometimes interaction terms give different parameterizations of the same model, but other times it gives completely different models (depending on a or b being factors of covariates, included as main effects or not, etc.). Their interpretation depends of the full context of the model, which should not be inferred from the parameters table alone - rather, we recommend to use packages that calculate estimated marginal means or marginal effects, such as modelbased, emmeans, ggeffects, or marginaleffects. To raise awareness for this issue, you may use print(...,show_formula=TRUE) to add the model-specification to the output of the print() method for model_parameters().

Global Options to Customize Messages and Tables when Printing

The verbose argument can be used to display or silence messages and warnings for the different functions in the parameters package. However, some messages providing additional information can be displayed or suppressed using options():

There are further options that can be used to modify the default behaviour for printed outputs:


The print() method has several arguments to tweak the output. There is also a plot()-method implemented in the see-package, and a dedicated method for use inside rmarkdown files, print_md().

For developers, if speed performance is an issue, you can use the (undocumented) pretty_names argument, e.g. model_parameters(..., pretty_names = FALSE). This will skip the formatting of the coefficient names and make model_parameters() faster.


See Also

insight::standardize_names() to rename columns into a consistent, standardized naming scheme.

[Package parameters version 0.22.1 Index]