Raw, Central and Standardized Moments of Parametric Distributions

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Documentation for package ‘param2moment’ version 0.1.2

Help Pages

moment-class Raw, Central and Standardized Moments, and other Distribution Characteristics
moment2GH Solve Tukey g-&-h Parameters from Moments
moment2GH_g_demo Solve Tukey g-&-h Parameters from Moments
moment2GH_h_demo Solve Tukey g-&-h Parameters from Moments
moment2param Moment to Parameters: A Batch Process
moment2sn Solve Skew-Normal Parameters from Moments
moment2st Solve Skew-t Parameters from Moments
moment2t_demo Solve Skew-t Parameters from Moments
moment_GH Moments of Tukey g-&-h Distribution
moment_norm Moments of Normal Distribution
moment_sn Moments of Skew-Normal Distribution
moment_st Moments of Skew-t Distribution
show-method Show moment