Define and Work with Parameter Spaces for Complex Algorithms

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Documentation for package ‘paradox’ version 0.11.1

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paradox-package paradox: Define and Work with Parameter Spaces for Complex Algorithms
assert_param Assertions for Params and ParamSets
assert_param_set Assertions for Params and ParamSets
CondAnyOf Dependency Condition
CondEqual Dependency Condition
Condition Dependency Condition
default_values Extract Parameter Default Values
default_values.ParamSet Extract Parameter Default Values
Design Design of Configurations
Domain Domain: Parameter Range without an Id
generate_design_grid Generate a Grid Design
generate_design_lhs Generate a Space-Filling LHS Design
generate_design_random Generate a Random Design
generate_design_sobol Generate a Space-Filling Sobol Sequence Design
is_nodefault Extra data type for "no default value"
NoDefault Extra data type for "no default value"
NO_DEF Extra data type for "no default value"
paradox paradox: Define and Work with Parameter Spaces for Complex Algorithms
Param Param Class
ParamDbl Numerical Parameter
ParamFct Factor Parameter
ParamInt Integer Parameter
ParamLgl Logical Parameter
ParamSet ParamSet
ParamSetCollection ParamSetCollection
ParamUty Untyped Parameter
ps Construct a ParamSet using Short Forms
psc Create a ParamSet Collection
p_dbl Domain: Parameter Range without an Id
p_fct Domain: Parameter Range without an Id
p_int Domain: Parameter Range without an Id
p_lgl Domain: Parameter Range without an Id
p_uty Domain: Parameter Range without an Id
Sampler Sampler Class
Sampler1D Sampler1D Class
Sampler1DCateg Sampler1DCateg Class
Sampler1DNormal Sampler1DNormal Class
Sampler1DRfun Sampler1DRfun Class
Sampler1DUnif Sampler1DUnif Class
SamplerHierarchical SamplerHierarchical Class
SamplerJointIndep SamplerJointIndep Class
SamplerUnif SamplerUnif Class
to_tune Indicate that a Parameter Value should be Tuned
TuneToken Indicate that a Parameter Value should be Tuned