are_varying |
Check if variables are constant or variable over time. |
asym |
Estimate asymmetric effects models using first differences |
asym_gee |
Asymmetric effects models fit with GEE |
as_panel |
Create panel data frames |
as_panel_data |
Create panel data frames |
as_panel_data.default |
Create panel data frames |
as_panel_data.pdata.frame |
Create panel data frames |
as_pdata.frame |
Create panel data frames |
complete_data |
Filter out entities with too few observations |
fdm |
Estimate first differences models using GLS |
formula.wbm |
Retrieve model formulas from 'wbm' objects |
get_id |
Retrieve panel_data metadata |
get_periods |
Retrieve panel_data metadata |
get_wave |
Retrieve panel_data metadata |
glance.fdm |
Tidy methods for 'fdm' and 'asym' models |
glance.summ.wbm |
Tidy methods for 'wbm' models |
glance.wbgee |
Tidy methods for 'wbgee' models |
glance.wbm |
Tidy methods for 'wbm' models |
heise |
Estimate Heise stability and reliability coefficients |
is_panel |
Check if object is panel_data |
line_plot |
Plot trends in longitudinal variables |
long_panel |
Convert wide panels to long format |
make_diff_data |
Generate differenced and asymmetric effects data |
make_wb_data |
Prepare data for within-between modeling |
model_frame |
Make model frames for panel_data objects |
nlsy |
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth data |
nobs.wbm |
Number of observations used in 'wbm' models |
panel_data |
Create panel data frames |
predict.wbgee |
Predictions and simulations from within-between GEE models |
predict.wbm |
Predictions and simulations from within-between models |
simulate.wbm |
Predictions and simulations from within-between models |
summary.panel_data |
Summarize panel data frames |
teen_poverty |
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth teenage women poverty data |
tidy.asym |
Tidy methods for 'fdm' and 'asym' models |
tidy.asym_gee |
Tidy methods for 'wbgee' models |
tidy.fdm |
Tidy methods for 'fdm' and 'asym' models |
tidy.summ.wbm |
Tidy methods for 'wbm' models |
tidy.wbgee |
Tidy methods for 'wbgee' models |
tidy.wbm |
Tidy methods for 'wbm' models |
unpanel |
Convert panel_data to regular data frame |
WageData |
Earnings data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics |
wbgee |
Panel regression models fit with GEE |
wbm |
Panel regression models fit via multilevel modeling |
wbm-class |
Within-Between Model ('wbm') class |
wbm_stan |
Bayesian estimation of within-between models |
widen_panel |
Convert long panel data to wide format |