densityPlot {overlap}R Documentation

Plot fitted kernel densities


Fits a kernel density function to a data set and plots it.


densityPlot(A, xscale = 24, xcenter = c("noon", "midnight"),
   add = FALSE, rug = FALSE, extend = 'lightgrey',
   n.grid = 128, kmax = 3, adjust = 1, ...)



a vector of times of observations in radians, ie. scaled to [0,2π0, 2\pi]. It must include at least 2 unique observations to fit a kernel density.


The scale for the x axis: 24 (the default) produces a curve with 0 to 24 hours. NA gives a scale in radians, labelled with pipi.


the center of the plot on the x axis: 'noon' (default) or 'midnight'.


If TRUE, the curve will be added to the existing plot. Use the same settings for xscale and xcenter as for the original plot.


If TRUE, the original observations will be displayed as a rug at the bottom of the plot.


If not NULL, the plot extends 3 hours before and after the main 24-hr period, and extend specifies the background colour; the plot is not extended if extend = NULL.


Number of points at which to estimate the density for plotting; 100 is usually adequate to give a smooth-looking curve.


maximum value of k for optimal bandwidth estimation.


bandwidth adjustment (scalar).


Further arguments passed to the plotting functions, such as col, lty, lwd or xlab, ylab, main.


Returns invisibly a data frame with x and y coordinates which can be used for further plotting or calculations; see examples.


Mike Meredith


# Get example data:

# Do basic plot with defaults:

# Prettier plots:
densityPlot(pigObs, extend=NULL, lwd=2)
densityPlot(pigObs, rug=TRUE, main="Simulated data", extend='gold')
densityPlot(tigerObs, add=TRUE, rug=TRUE, col='red')
legend('topleft', c("Tiger", "Pig"), lty=1, col=c('black', 'red'), bg='white')
# Add vertical dotted lines to mark sunrise (say 05:30) and sunset (18:47):
# (times must be in hours if the x-axis is labelled in hours)
abline(v=c(5.5, 18+47/60), lty=3)

# A plot centered on midnight:
densityPlot(pigObs, xcenter = "m")
# Mark sunrise/sunset; values to the left of "00:00" are negative
# so subtract 24:
abline(v=c(5.5, (18+47/60) - 24), lty=3)

# Using object returned:
densityPlot(pigObs, rug=TRUE, lwd=3)
# Don't like the rug with lwd = 3?
pigDens <- densityPlot(pigObs, rug=TRUE)
lines(pigDens, lwd=3)

# Add shading below the curve:
pigDens <- densityPlot(pigObs, extend=NULL)
polygon(pigDens, col='skyblue') # works if density at midnight = 0
tigDens <- densityPlot(tigerObs, extend=NULL)
# Add vertices at (0,0) and (24, 0)
poly <- rbind(c(0,0), tigDens, c(24,0))
polygon(poly, col='pink', border=NA)
lines(tigDens, lwd=2)

# What proportion of the density lies between 9:00 and 15:00 hrs?
wanted <- pigDens$x > 9 & pigDens$x < 15
mean(pigDens$y[wanted]) * 6  # probability mass for the 6 hr period.

# Plotting time in radians:
densityPlot(pigObs, xscale=NA, rug=TRUE)
densityPlot(tigerObs, xscale=NA, add=TRUE, rug=TRUE, col='red')

[Package overlap version 0.3.9 Index]