Estimates of Coefficient of Overlapping for Animal Activity Patterns

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Documentation for package ‘overlap’ version 0.3.9

Help Pages

overlap-package Functions to estimate overlap of temporal activity patterns of animals
bootCI Confidence interval calculation from bootstrap samples.
bootCIlogit Confidence interval calculation from bootstrap samples.
bootEst Functions to generate bootstrap estimates of overlap
bootstrap Functions to generate bootstrap estimates of overlap
densityFit Fits von Mises kernel density to time-of-day data.
densityPlot Plot fitted kernel densities
Example data Times of 'capture' of large mammals
getBandWidth Optimal bandwidth calculation
kerinci Times of 'capture' of large mammals
overlap Functions to estimate overlap of temporal activity patterns of animals
overlapEst Estimates of coefficient of overlapping
overlapPlot Plot overlapping kernel densities
overlapTrue Calculates the true coefficient of overlapping between two distributions.
pigObs Simulated data for diel activity patterns
pigTrue Simulated data for diel activity patterns
resample Functions to generate bootstrap estimates of overlap
simCalls Simulated data for bird calls influenced by sunrise
simulatedData Simulated data for diel activity patterns
sunTime Convert clock times to sun times
tigerObs Simulated data for diel activity patterns
tigerTrue Simulated data for diel activity patterns