Robust Model-Based Clustering

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Documentation for package ‘otrimle’ version 2.0

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banknote Swiss Banknotes Data
generator.otrimle Generates random data from OTRIMLE output model
InitClust Robust Initialization for Model-based Clustering Methods
kerndenscluster Aggregated distance to elliptical unimodal density over clusters
kerndensmeasure Statistic measuring closeness to symmetric unimodal distribution
kerndensp Closeness of multivariate distribution to elliptical unimodal distribution
kmeanfun Mean and standard deviation of unimodality statistic
ksdfun Mean and standard deviation of unimodality statistic
otrimle Optimally Tuned Robust Improper Maximum Likelihood Clustering
otrimleg OTRIMLE for a range of numbers of clusters with density-based cluster quality statistic
otrimlesimg Adequacy approach for number of clusters for OTRIMLE
plot.otrimle Plot Methods for OTRIMLE Objects
plot.rimle Plot Methods for RIMLE Objects
plot.summary.otrimlesimgdens Adequacy approach for number of clusters for OTRIMLE
print.otrimle Optimally Tuned Robust Improper Maximum Likelihood Clustering
print.rimle Robust Improper Maximum Likelihood Clustering
print.summary.otrimlesimgdens Adequacy approach for number of clusters for OTRIMLE
rimle Robust Improper Maximum Likelihood Clustering
summary.otrimlesimgdens Adequacy approach for number of clusters for OTRIMLE