osmchange_create {osmapiR}R Documentation

osmchange to create OSM objects


Prepare data to create OSM objects.


osmchange_create(x, format = c("R", "osc", "xml"))



A osmapi_objects with columns type, changeset + column members for ways and relations + lat and lon for nodes + tags if needed.


Format of the output. Can be "R" (default), "osc" ("xml" is a synonym for "osc").


Objects IDs are unknown and will be allocated by the server. If id column is missing in x, a negative placeholders will be used. Check OsmChange page for details about how to refer to objects still not created to define the members of relations and nodes of ways.


If format = "R", returns a osmapi_OsmChange data frame with one OSM edition per row. If format = "osc" or format = "xml", returns a xml2::xml_document following the OsmChange format that can be saved with xml2::write_xml() and opened in other applications such as JOSM.

The results are ready to send the editions to the servers with osm_diff_upload_changeset().

See Also

Other OsmChange's functions: osm_diff_upload_changeset(), osm_download_changeset(), osmchange_delete(), osmchange_modify()


d <- data.frame(
  type = c("node", "node", "way", "relation"),
  id = -(1:4),
  lat = c(0, 1, NA, NA),
  lon = c(0, 1, NA, NA),
  name = c(NA, NA, "My way", "Our relation"),
  type.1 = c(NA, NA, NA, "Column clash!")
d$members <- list(
  NULL, NULL, -(1:2),
    c("node", "-1", NA, "node", "-2", NA, "way", "-3", "outer"),
    nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(NULL, c("type", "ref", "role"))
obj <- osmapi_objects(d, tag_columns = c(name = "name", type = "type.1"))
osmcha <- osmchange_create(obj)

[Package osmapiR version 0.1.0 Index]