'OpenStreetMap' API

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Documentation for package ‘osmapiR’ version 0.1.0

Help Pages

authenticate_osmapi Authenticate or logout osmapiR
get_osmapi_url Configure connections from osmapiR
logout_osmapi Authenticate or logout osmapiR
osmapi_objects osmapi_objects constructor
osmchange_create 'osmchange' to create OSM objects
osmchange_delete 'osmchange' to delete existing OSM objects
osmchange_modify 'osmchange' to modify existing OSM objects
osm_api_versions Available API versions
osm_bbox_objects Retrieve map data by bounding box
osm_capabilities Capabilities of the API
osm_close_changeset Create, update, or close a changeset
osm_close_note Close or reopen notes
osm_comment_changeset_discussion Comment a changeset
osm_create_changeset Create, update, or close a changeset
osm_create_comment_note Create a new comment in a note
osm_create_gpx Create GPS trace
osm_create_note Create a new note
osm_create_object Create an OSM object
osm_delete_gpx Delete GPS traces
osm_delete_note Delete notes
osm_delete_object Delete an OSM object
osm_details_logged_user Details of the logged-in user
osm_diff_upload_changeset Diff (OsmChange format) upload to a changeset
osm_download_changeset Download a changeset in 'OsmChange' format
osm_feed_notes RSS Feed of notes in a bbox
osm_get_changesets Get changesets
osm_get_data_gpx Download GPS Track Data
osm_get_gpx_metadata Download GPS Track Metadata
osm_get_notes Get notes
osm_get_objects Get OSM objects
osm_get_points_gps Get GPS Points
osm_get_preferences_user Get or set preferences for the logged-in user
osm_get_user_details Details of users
osm_hide_comment_changeset_discussion Hide or unhide a changeset comment
osm_history_object Get the history of an object
osm_list_gpxs List user's GPX traces
osm_permissions Retrieving permissions
osm_query_changesets Query changesets
osm_read_bbox_notes Retrieve notes by bounding box
osm_redaction_object Redact an object version
osm_relations_object Relations of an object
osm_reopen_note Close or reopen notes
osm_search_notes Search for notes
osm_set_preferences_user Get or set preferences for the logged-in user
osm_subscribe_changeset_discussion Subscribe or unsubscribe to a changeset discussion
osm_unhide_comment_changeset_discussion Hide or unhide a changeset comment
osm_unsubscribe_changeset_discussion Subscribe or unsubscribe to a changeset discussion
osm_update_changeset Create, update, or close a changeset
osm_update_gpx Update GPS trace
osm_update_object Update an OSM object
osm_ways_node Ways of a node
set_osmapi_connection Configure connections from osmapiR
set_osmapi_url Configure connections from osmapiR
tags_list2wide Change 'tags' from a list column <-> columns for each key in wide format
tags_wide2list Change 'tags' from a list column <-> columns for each key in wide format