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Site Data for the Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming, USA
The coniferous forests of the Shoshone National Forest range from lower elevation woodlands dominated by Pinus flexilis, through forests of Pseudotsuga menziesii, Pinus contorta, Picea engelmannii, Abies lasiocarpa and Pinus albicaulis with increasing elevation (Steele et al. 1983). One hundred and fifty sample plots were chosen at random from a larger set for this data set; the larger set was stratified by elevation, exposure, surficial geology, and geographic distribution.
A data.frame with sample plots as rows, and site variable as columns. Variables comprise:
elevation | elevation above sea level in meters |
aspect | compass orientation of the site in degrees |
slope | slope steepness in percent |
av | aspect value: (cosd(aspect-30)+1)/2 |
swb | site water balance: a tipping bucket model of water-year soil water |
sprppt | spring precipitation in cm |
sumppt | summer precipitation in cm |
autppt | autumn precipitation in cm |
winppt | winter precipitation in cm |
sprtmp | spring mean temperature degrees C |
sumtmp | summer mean temperature degrees C |
auttmp | autumn mean temperature degrees C |
winppt | winter mean temperature degrees C |
sprpet | spring potential evapotranspiration in cm |
sumpet | summer potential evapotranspiration in cm |
autpet | autumn potential evapotranspiration in cm |
winpet | winter potential evapotranspiration in cm |
sprrad | spring direct and diffuse solar radiation (correcting for topographic shading) |
sumrad | summer direct and diffuse solar radiation (correcting for topographic shading) |
autrad | autumn direct and diffuse solar radiation (correcting for topographic shading) |
win | winter direct and diffuse solar radiation (correcting for topographic shading) |
ffd | frost free days |
dday | degree days heat sum |
tcol | mean monthly temperature of the coldest month |
The data were derived from a multi-year effort by numerous scientists and field technicians. The project was directed by Kent Houston, Soil Scientist and Ecologist, Shoshone National Forest. The site data were calculated primarily by Dr. Niklaus Zimmermann, WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland
Roberts, D.W. 2008. Statistical Analysis of Multidimensional Fuzzy Set Ordinations. Ecology 89:1246-1260