Optimization Toolbox for Solving Linear Systems

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Documentation for package ‘optR’ version 1.2.5

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cgm Optimization & estimation based on Conjugate Gradient Method
choleskiDecomposition Function for Choleski Decomposition
choleskilm Function fits linear model using Choleski Decomposition
forwardsubsitution.optR Function to solve linear system using forward substitution
gaussSeidel Gauss-Seidel based Optimization & estimation
hatMatrix Function determines the Hat matrix or projection matrix for given X
inv.optR Invert a matrix using LU decomposition
jacobian Function to evaluate jacobian matrix from functions
LU.decompose LU decomposition
LU.optR Solving system of equations using LU decomposition
LUsplit Function to extract Lower and Upper matrix from LU decomposition
machinePrecision Function to address machine precision error
newtonRapson Function for Newton Rapson roots for given equations
nonDiagMultipication Non-diagnoal multipication
opt.matrix.reorder Function to Re-order the matrix to make dominant diagnals
optR Optimization & predictive modelling Toolsets
optR.backsubsitution Function to solve linear system using backsubsitution
optR.default Optimization & predictive modelling Toolsets
optR.fit Fitter function for Linear/Non-linear system with form Ax=b
optR.formula Optimization & predictive modelling Toolsets
optR.gauss gauss to solve linear systems
optR.multiplyfactor Function to estimate lambda
optRFun Function based optimization module
optRFun.newtonRapson Function based optimization module
predict.optR Prediction function based on optR class
print.optR print coefficients for optR class
summary.optR Generate Summary for optR class