EBGM Disproportionality Scores for Adverse Event Data Mining

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Documentation for package ‘openEBGM’ version 0.9.1

Help Pages

autoHyper Semi-automated hyperparameter estimation
autoSquash Automated data squashing
caers Dietary supplement reports and products
caers_raw Raw CAERS data
ebgm Calculate EBGM scores
ebScores Construct an openEBGM object
exploreHypers Explore various hyperparameter estimates
hyperEM Estimate hyperparameters using an EM algorithm
negLL Likelihood without zero counts
negLLsquash Likelihood with data squashing and no zero counts
negLLzero Likelihood with zero counts
negLLzeroSquash Likelihood with data squashing & zero counts
plot.openEBGM Plot an openEBGM object
print.openEBGM Print an openEBGM object
processRaw Process raw data
Qn Calculate Qn
quantBisect Find quantiles of the posterior distribution
squashData Squash data for hyperparameter estimation
summary.openEBGM Summarize an openEBGM object