autoHyper | Semi-automated hyperparameter estimation |
autoSquash | Automated data squashing |
caers | Dietary supplement reports and products |
caers_raw | Raw CAERS data |
ebgm | Calculate EBGM scores |
ebScores | Construct an openEBGM object |
exploreHypers | Explore various hyperparameter estimates |
hyperEM | Estimate hyperparameters using an EM algorithm |
negLL | Likelihood without zero counts |
negLLsquash | Likelihood with data squashing and no zero counts |
negLLzero | Likelihood with zero counts |
negLLzeroSquash | Likelihood with data squashing & zero counts |
plot.openEBGM | Plot an openEBGM object |
print.openEBGM | Print an openEBGM object |
processRaw | Process raw data |
Qn | Calculate Qn |
quantBisect | Find quantiles of the posterior distribution |
squashData | Squash data for hyperparameter estimation |
summary.openEBGM | Summarize an openEBGM object |