Online Principal Component Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘onlinePCA’ version 1.3.2

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onlinePCA-package Online Principal Component Analysis
batchpca Batch PCA
bsoipca Block Stochastic Orthononal Iteration (BSOI)
ccipca Candid Covariance-Free Incremental PCA
coef2fd Recover functional data from their B-spline coefficients
create.basis Create a smooth B-spline basis
fd2coef Compute the coefficients of functional data in a B-spline basis
ghapca Generalized Hebbian Algorithm for PCA
impute BLUP Imputation of Missing Values
incRpca Incremental PCA
incRpca.block Incremental PCA with Block Update
incRpca.rc Incremental PCA With Reduced Complexity
perturbationRpca Recursive PCA using a rank 1 perturbation method
secularRpca Recursive PCA Using Secular Equations
sgapca Stochastic Gradient Ascent PCA
snlpca Subspace Network Learning PCA
updateCovariance Update the Sample Covariance Matrix
updateMean Update the Sample Mean Vector