onlinePCA-package | Online Principal Component Analysis |
batchpca | Batch PCA |
bsoipca | Block Stochastic Orthononal Iteration (BSOI) |
ccipca | Candid Covariance-Free Incremental PCA |
coef2fd | Recover functional data from their B-spline coefficients |
create.basis | Create a smooth B-spline basis |
fd2coef | Compute the coefficients of functional data in a B-spline basis |
ghapca | Generalized Hebbian Algorithm for PCA |
impute | BLUP Imputation of Missing Values |
incRpca | Incremental PCA |
incRpca.block | Incremental PCA with Block Update |
incRpca.rc | Incremental PCA With Reduced Complexity |
perturbationRpca | Recursive PCA using a rank 1 perturbation method |
secularRpca | Recursive PCA Using Secular Equations |
sgapca | Stochastic Gradient Ascent PCA |
snlpca | Subspace Network Learning PCA |
updateCovariance | Update the Sample Covariance Matrix |
updateMean | Update the Sample Mean Vector |