af.test |
Alvandi's F Test |
ag.test |
Alexander-Govern Test |
agp.test |
Alvandi's Generalized P-Value |
aov.test |
One-Way Analysis of Variance |
ap.test |
Approximate F Test |
aw.test |
Adjusted Welch's Heteroscedastic F Test |
b2.test |
B Square Test |
bf.test |
Brown-Forsythe Test |
box.test |
Box F Test |
cochran.test |
Cochran Test |
describe |
Descriptive Statistics |
gp.test |
Test for Equal Means in a One-Way Layout under Unequal Variances |
gplot |
Box-and-Whisker, Violin Plots and Error Bars |
homog.test |
Variance Homogeneity Tests |
james.test |
James Second Order Test |
johansen.test |
Johansen F Test |
kw.test |
Kruskal-Wallis Test |
mbf.test |
Modified Brown-Forsythe Test |
mw.test |
Mann-Whitney U Test |
nor.test |
Normality Tests |
onewaytests |
One-Way Tests for Independent Groups Designs |
paircomp |
Pairwise Comparisons |
paircomp.default |
Pairwise Comparisons |
paircomp.jt |
Pairwise Comparisons for James Second Order Test |
paircomp.owt |
Pairwise Comparisons |
pf.test |
Permutation F Test |
ss.test |
Scott-Smith Test |
st.test |
Student's t-Test |
wa.test |
Welch-Aspin Test |
welch.test |
Welch's Heteroscedastic F Test and Welch's Heteroscedastic F Test with Trimmed Means and Winsorized Variances |
wgf.test |
Weerahandi's Generalized F Test |
wt.test |
Welch's t-Test |