svg_attrs_pres {omsvg}R Documentation

Define SVG presentation attributes for an element


The svg_attrs_pres() helper function can be used to more easily generate a valid presentation attribute list for the attrs argument that is present in every SVG element function (e.g., svg_rect(), svg_text(), etc.). All of the presentation attributes formally included here as options can be animated.


  stroke = NULL,
  stroke_width = NULL,
  stroke_opacity = NULL,
  fill = NULL,
  fill_opacity = NULL,
  font_family = NULL,
  font_size = NULL,
  font_weight = NULL,
  font_style = NULL,
  text_decoration = NULL,
  transform = NULL,
  filter = NULL,
  mask = NULL,
  clip_path = NULL,
  clip_rule = NULL,
  stroke_dasharray = NULL,
  stroke_dashoffset = NULL,
  stroke_linecap = NULL,
  stroke_linejoin = NULL,
  stroke_miterlimit = NULL,
  fill_rule = NULL,
  color = NULL,
  opacity = NULL,
  color_interpolation = NULL,
  color_interpolation_filters = NULL,
  lighting_color = NULL,
  flood_color = NULL,
  flood_opacity = NULL,
  stop_color = NULL,
  stop_opacity = NULL,
  font_variant = NULL,
  font_stretch = NULL,
  font_size_adjust = NULL,
  text_anchor = NULL,
  letter_spacing = NULL,
  word_spacing = NULL,
  dominant_baseline = NULL,
  alignment_baseline = NULL,
  baseline_shift = NULL,
  direction = NULL,
  writing_mode = NULL,
  overflow = NULL,
  marker_start = NULL,
  marker_mid = NULL,
  marker_end = NULL,
  pointer_events = NULL,
  cursor = NULL,
  vector_effect = NULL,
  shape_rendering = NULL,
  color_rendering = NULL,
  text_rendering = NULL,
  image_rendering = NULL,
  display = NULL,
  visibility = NULL



The color used to paint the outline of the shape.


The width of the stroke to be applied to the shape. Can be expressed in px or percentage units.


The opacity of the stroke of a shape. We can use a real number from 0 to 1 or a value in percentage units.


The color used to fill the inside of the element.


The opacity of the color or the content the current object is filled with. We can use a real number from 0 to 1 or a value in percentage units.


Which font family will be used to render the text of the element?


The size of the font.


The weight or boldness of the font. Possible values are "normal", "bold", "lighter", "bolder", and the values 100, 200, and so on, up to 900.


Whether a font should be styled with a "normal", "italic", or "oblique" face from its font_family.


Add decorative lines on text. Options are "underline", "overline", "line-through", and "blink".


A list of transform definitions that are applied to an element and the element's children.


The filter effects defined by a ⁠<filter>⁠ element that shall be applied to its element. Requires a reference to a ⁠<filter>⁠ id attribute.


The mask defined by a ⁠<mask>⁠ element that shall be applied to its element. Requires a reference to a ⁠<mask>⁠ id attribute.


The clipping path defined by a ⁠<clipPath>⁠ element that shall be applied to its element. Requires a reference to a ⁠<clipPath>⁠ id attribute.


A rule for determining what side of a path is inside of a shape in order to know how clip_path should clip its target. Options are "nonzero", "evenodd", and "inherit".


The pattern of dashes and gaps used to paint the outline of the shape.


Defines an offset on the rendering of the associated dash array.


The shape to be used at the end of open subpaths when they are stroked. We can use the options "butt", "round", or "square".


The shape to be used at the corners of paths when they are stroked ("arcs", "bevel", "miter", "miter-clip", and "round").


The limit on the ratio of the miter length to the stroke_width Used to draw a miter join. A numeric value should be used to define the limit.


A rule for determining what side of a path is inside of a shape. Options are "nonzero", "evenodd", and "inherit".


Potentially provides an indirect value (as the currentColor) for fill, stroke, stop_color, flood_color and lighting_color options.


Specifies the transparency of an object or a group of objects. We can use a real number from 0 to 1 or a value in percentage units.


The color space for gradient interpolations, color animations, and alpha compositing. Allowed values are: "auto", "sRGB", "linearRGB", and "inherit".


The color space for imaging operations performed via filter effects. Allowed values are: "auto", "sRGB", "linearRGB", and "inherit".


The color of the light source for filter primitives elements ⁠<feSpecularLighting>⁠ and ⁠<feDiffuseLighting>⁠.

flood_color, flood_opacity

The color and opacity level to use to flood the current filter primitive subregion defined through the ⁠<feFlood>⁠ or ⁠<feDropShadow>⁠ element.

stop_color, stop_opacity

Sets the color and opacity at a gradient stop.


Determines whether a font should be used with some of their variation such as small caps or ligatures.


Allows for a selection of a normal, condensed, or expanded face from a font.


Specifies that the font size should be chosen based on the height of lowercase letters rather than the height of capital letters.


The vertical alignment a string of text. We can use the values "start", "middle", "end", or "inherit".

letter_spacing, word_spacing

The spacing between text characters and between words.


The baseline used to align the box’s text and inline-level contents. The options for this are: "auto", "text-bottom", "alphabetic", "ideographic", "middle", "central", "mathematical", "hanging", and "text-top".


Determines how an object is to be aligned along the font baseline with respect to its parent. Allowed values are: "auto", "baseline", "before-edge", "text-before-edge", "middle", "central", "after-edge", "text-after-edge", "ideographic", "alphabetic", "hanging", "mathematical", and "inherit".


An option for repositioning of the dominant-baseline relative to the dominant-baseline of the parent text content element. Valid options are: "auto", "baseline", "super", "sub", "inherit", a length value, or a percentage value.


The base writing direction of text. Can be either "ltr", "rtl", or "inherit".


The initial inline-progression-direction for a ⁠<text>⁠ element (can be left-to-right, right-to-left, or top-to-bottom). Valid values are "lr-tb", "rl-tb", "tb-rl", "lr", "rl", "tb", or "inherit".


The overflow behavior for the content of a block-level element when it overflows the element's box. Options are: "visible", "hidden", "scroll", "auto", and "inherit".

marker_start, marker_mid, marker_end

The arrowhead or polymarker that will be drawn at the first node, the final node, or, the in-between nodes. This applies to a ⁠<path>⁠ element or a basic shape. These attributes can be applied to any element but only have an effect on the following seven elements: ⁠<rect>⁠, ⁠<circle>⁠, ⁠<ellipse>⁠, ⁠<line>⁠, ⁠<path>⁠, ⁠<polygon>⁠, and ⁠<polyline>⁠. Requires a reference to a ⁠<marker>⁠ id attribute (defined within the SVG's ⁠<defs>⁠ area).


Defines whether or when an element may be the target of a mouse event. Options are: "bounding-box", "visiblePainted", "visibleFil", "visibleStroke", "visible"| "painted", "fill", "stroke", "all", and "none".


The mouse cursor displayed when the mouse pointer is over an element.


The vector effect to use when drawing an object. Options are: "default", "non-scaling", "stroke", and "inherit".

shape_rendering, color_rendering, text_rendering, image_rendering

A quality setting parameter for shapes, color interpolation and compositing, text, and image processing. All of the rendering attributes can use the "auto" and "optimizeSpeed" directives. For shape rendering, we can elect for "crispEdges", "geometricPrecision", or just "inherit". When rendering color, additional choices are "optimizeQuality" and "inherit". Text rendering allows us the additional "optimizeLegibility", "geometricPrecision", and "inherit" options. With image rendering, we can furthermore choose to "optimizeSpeed".


Allows for control of the rendering of graphical or container elements. A value of "none" indicates that the given element and its children will not be rendered. Any value other than "none" or "inherit" indicates that the given element will be rendered by the browser.


The visibility attribute lets us control the visibility of graphical elements. With a value of "hidden" or "collapse", the element is invisible.


A named list of presentational SVG properties. This object can be used as a value for the attrs argument, which is present in every SVG element function (e.g,. svg_rect()).

[Package omsvg version 0.1.0 Index]