Build and Transform 'SVG' Objects

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Documentation for package ‘omsvg’ version 0.1.0

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anims Express animations for an element
anim_opacity Animate an element through an opacity change
anim_position Animate the position of an element
anim_rotation Animate an element through rotation
anim_scale Animate an element through scaling
cubic_bezier Create a custom easing function for animation
ease_in Use an 'easing in' animation
ease_in_out Use an 'easing in and out' animation
ease_out Use an 'easing out' animation
filter_dilate Filter: add a dilation effect to an element
filter_drop_shadow Filter: add a drop shadow to an element
filter_erode Filter: add an erosion effect to an element
filter_gaussian_blur Filter: add a gaussian blur to an element
filter_image Filter: display an image
filter_offset Filter: offset an element a specified amount
info_lineawesome Get an information table showing all Line Awesome icons
linear Use a linear movement for animation
step_end Use a 'step-end' animation
step_start Use a 'step-start' animation
SVG Create an 'svg' object
SVG_ Create a compact 'svg' object
svg_attrs_pres Define SVG presentation attributes for an element
svg_circle Addition of a 'circle' element
svg_ellipse Addition of an 'ellipse' element
svg_filter Build an SVG <filter>
svg_group Addition of a group element
svg_image Addition of an 'image' element
SVG_import Import an SVG file and create an 'svg' object
SVG_la Create an svg object with a Line Awesome glyph
svg_line Addition of an 'line' element
svg_path Addition of an 'path' element
svg_polygon Addition of an 'polygon' element
svg_polyline Addition of an 'polyline' element
svg_rect Addition of a 'rect' element
SVG_t Create a text-height 'svg' object
svg_text Addition of a 'text' element