say {omnibus}R Documentation

Nicer version of print() or cat() function


This function is a nicer version of print() or cat(), especially when used inline for functions because it displays immediately and pastes all strings together. It also does some rudimentary but optional word wrapping.


  pre = 0,
  post = 1,
  breaks = NULL,
  wiggle = 10,
  preBreak = 1,
  level = NULL,
  deco = "#"



Character strings to print


Integer >= 0. Number of blank lines to print before strings


Integer >= 0. Number of blank lines to print after strings


Either NULL, which causes all strings to be printed on the same line (no wrap overflow) or a positive integer which wraps lines at this character length (e.g., breaks=80 inserts line breaks every 80 characters).


Integer >- 0. Allows line to overrun breaks length in characters before inserting line breaks.


If wrapping long lines indicates how subsequent lines are indented. NULL causes lines to be printed starting at column 1 on the display device. A positive integer inserts preBreak number of spaces before printing each line. A string causes each line to start with this string.


Integer or NULL. If NULL, then the items in ... are displayed as-is. Otherwise, a value of 1, 2, or 3 indicates teh heading level, with lower numbers causing more decoration and spacing to be used.


Character. Character to decorate text with if level is not NULL.


Nothing (side effect is output on the display device).


say('The quick brown fox ', 'jumps over the lazy ', 'Susan.')
say('The quick brown fox ', 'jumps over the lazy ', 'Susan.', breaks=10)
say('The quick brown fox ', 'jumps over the lazy ', 'Susan.', level=1)
say('The quick brown fox ', 'jumps over the lazy ', 'Susan.', level=2)
say('The quick brown fox ', 'jumps over the lazy ', 'Susan.', level=3)

[Package omnibus version 1.2.13 Index]