Helper Tools for Managing Data, Dates, Missing Values, and Text

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Documentation for package ‘omnibus’ version 1.2.12

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%!=% Compare values to floating-point precision
%!=na% Compare values using <, <=, >, >=, !=, and == (robust to NAs)
%<% Compare values to floating-point precision
%<=% Compare values to floating-point precision
%<=na% Compare values using <, <=, >, >=, !=, and == (robust to NAs)
%<na% Compare values using <, <=, >, >=, !=, and == (robust to NAs)
%==% Compare values to floating-point precision
%==na% Compare values using <, <=, >, >=, !=, and == (robust to NAs)
%>% Compare values to floating-point precision
%>=% Compare values to floating-point precision
%>=na% Compare values using <, <=, >, >=, !=, and == (robust to NAs)
%>na% Compare values using <, <=, >, >=, !=, and == (robust to NAs)
%notin% Opposite of '%in%'
bracket Identify values bracketing another value
capIt Capitalize first letter of a string
combineDf Combine data frames with different fields using a crosswalk table
compareFloat Compare values to floating-point precision
conversionFactors Data frame or conversion factors for length or areal units
convertUnits Convert length or areal units
corner Corner of a matrix or data frame
countDecDigits Number of digits after a decimal place
cull Force objects to have length or rows equal to the shortest
dirCreate Replacement for dir.create()
domLeap Day of month for leap years
domNonLeap Day of month for non-leap years
doyLeap Day of year for leap years
doyNonLeap Days of year for non-leap years
ellipseNames Get names of objects input as arguments in ellipse ('...') form
eps The smallest machine-readable number
expandUnits Convert unit abbreviations to proper unit names
forwardSlash Replace backslash with forward slash
grapes_less_than_na_grapes Compare values using <, <=, >, >=, !=, and == (robust to NAs)
insert Insert values into a vector
insertCol Insert a column or row into a data frame or matrix
insertRow Insert a column or row into a data frame or matrix
is.wholeNumber Test if a numeric value is a whole number
isFALSENA Vectorized test for truth robust to NA
isLeapYear Is a year a leap year?
isTRUENA Vectorized test for truth robust to NA
listFiles Replacement for 'list.files()'
longRun Length of the longest run of a particular value in a numeric vector
maxRuns Maximum number of continuous "runs" of values meeting a particular condition
memUse Size of objects taking most memory use
mergeLists Merge two lists with precedence
mirror Flip an object
mmode Modal value(s)
naCompare Compare values using <, <=, >, >=, !=, and == (robust to NAs)
naOmitMulti Remove NAs from one or more equal-length vectors
naRows Index of rows in a data frame or matrix that contain at least one 'NA'
notIn Opposite of '%in%'
pairDist Calculate pairwise distances between two matrices or data frames.
pmatchSafe Partial matching of strings with error checking
prefix Add leading characters to a string
quadArea Area of a quadrilateral
renumSeq Renumber a sequence of numbers
rotateMatrix Rotate values in a matrix
roundedSigDigits Number of significant digits in rounded numbers
roundTo Round to nearest target value
rowColIndexing Convert between row- and column-style indexing of matrices
rstring Make a nearly-guaranteed unique string
say Nicer version of 'print()' or 'cat()' function
stretchMinMax Rescale values
unlistRecursive For any object in a list that is also a list, unlist it
which.pmax Which vector has maximum value at each element
which.pmin Which vector has maximum value at each element
yearFromDate Year from date formats that are possibly ambiguous
`%!=%` Compare values to floating-point precision
`%!=na%` Compare values using <, <=, >, >=, !=, and == (robust to NAs)
`%!=na%`, Compare values using <, <=, >, >=, !=, and == (robust to NAs)
`%<%` Compare values to floating-point precision
`%<=%` Compare values to floating-point precision
`%<==%` Compare values using <, <=, >, >=, !=, and == (robust to NAs)
`%<=na%` Compare values using <, <=, >, >=, !=, and == (robust to NAs)
`%<=na%`, Compare values using <, <=, >, >=, !=, and == (robust to NAs)
`%<na%` Compare values using <, <=, >, >=, !=, and == (robust to NAs)
`%<na%`, Compare values using <, <=, >, >=, !=, and == (robust to NAs)
`%==%` Compare values to floating-point precision
`%==na%`, Compare values using <, <=, >, >=, !=, and == (robust to NAs)
`%>%` Compare values to floating-point precision
`%>=%` Compare values to floating-point precision
`%>=na%` Compare values using <, <=, >, >=, !=, and == (robust to NAs)
`%>na%` Compare values using <, <=, >, >=, !=, and == (robust to NAs)
`%>na%`, Compare values using <, <=, >, >=, !=, and == (robust to NAs)
`%notin%` Opposite of '%in%'