ParkfieldSensors {ocd}R Documentation

Parkfield seismic sensor data


Processed data from 39 ground motion sensors at 13 stations near Parkfield, California from 2.00-2.16am on December 23, 2004, with an earthquake measured at duration magnitude 1.47Md hit near Atascadero, California at 02:09:54.01.




A matrix with 39 columns and 14998 rows, with each column corresponding to a sensor and each row corresponding to a time after 2am. Column names corresponds to names of the sensors and row names are number of seconds after 2am.


HRSN (2014), High Resolution Seismic Network. UC Berkeley Seismological Laboratory. Dataset. doi:10.7932/HRSN.



## Not run: 
plot(c(0, nrow(ParkfieldSensors) * 0.064), c(0, ncol(ParkfieldSensors)+1),
     pch=' ', xlab='seconds after 2004-12-23 02:00:00',
     ylab='sensor measurements')
x <- as.numeric(rownames(ParkfieldSensors))
for (j in 1:ncol(ParkfieldSensors)){
  y <- ParkfieldSensors[, j]
  y <- (y - max(ParkfieldSensors)) / diff(range(ParkfieldSensors)) + 0.5 + j
  points(x, y, pch='.')
abline(v = 9 * 60 + 54.01, col='blue', lwd=2, lty=3) # earthquake time

p <- ncol(ParkfieldSensors)
train_ind <- as.numeric(rownames(ParkfieldSensors)) <= 240
train <- ParkfieldSensors[train_ind, ]
test <- ParkfieldSensors[!train_ind, ]

# tuning parameters
gamma <- 24 * 60 * 60 / 0.064 # patience = 1 day
beta <- 150

# use theoretical thresholds suggested in Chen, Wang and Samworth (2020)
psi <- function(t){p - 1 + t + sqrt(2 * (p - 1) * t)}
th_diag <- log(24*p*gamma*log2(4*p))
th_off_s <- 8*log(24*p*gamma*log2(2*p))
th_off_d <- psi(th_off_s/4)
thresh <- setNames(c(th_diag, th_off_d, th_off_s), c('diag', 'off_d', 'off_s'))

# initialise ocd detector
detector <- ChangepointDetector(dim=p, method='ocd', beta=beta, thresh=thresh)

# use training data to update baseline mean and standard deviation
detector %<>% setStatus('estimating')
for (i in 1:nrow(train)) {
  detector %<>% getData(train[i, ])  

# find changepoint in the test data
detector %<>% setStatus('monitoring')
for (i in 1:nrow(test)) {
  detector %<>% getData(test[i, ])
  if (is.numeric(detector %>% status)) break

if (is.numeric(detector %>% status)) {
  time_declared <- 240 + detector %>% status * 0.064
  abline(v = time_declared, col='orange', lwd=2, lty=3) # detection time
  cat('Change detected', time_declared, 'seconds after 2am.\n')

## End(Not run)

[Package ocd version 1.1 Index]