High-Dimensional Multiscale Online Changepoint Detection

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Documentation for package ‘ocd’ version 1.1

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ocd-package ocd: A package for high-dimensional multiscale online changepoint detection
accessor Accessor functions to attributes of class ChangepointDetector
baselineMean Accessor functions to attributes of class ChangepointDetector
baselineSD Accessor functions to attributes of class ChangepointDetector
ChangepointDetector Constructor for the ChangepointDetector S3 class
Chan_update Processing a new data point for the 'Chan' class
checkChange Check if a mean change has occurred.
data_dim Accessor functions to attributes of class ChangepointDetector
getData Processing a new data point
getData.Chan Processing a new data point
getData.Mei Processing a new data point
getData.OCD Processing a new data point
getData.XS Processing a new data point
MC_Chan Compute Monte Carlo thresholds for the Chan method
MC_Mei Compute Monte Carlo thresholds for the Mei method
MC_ocd Compute Monte Carlo thresholds for the OCD method
MC_XS Compute Monte Carlo thresholds for the XS method
Mei_update Processing a new data point for the 'Mei' class
new_Chan construtor for subclass 'Chan' in class 'ChangepointDetector'
new_Mei constructor of subclass 'Mei' in class 'ChangepointDetector'
new_OCD constructor of subclass 'OCD' in class 'ChangepointDetector'
new_XS constructor of subclass 'XS' in class 'ChangepointDetector'
normalisedStatistics Compute maximum ratio between detection statistic and its threshold
n_obs Accessor functions to attributes of class ChangepointDetector
ocd ocd: A package for high-dimensional multiscale online changepoint detection
ocdMethod Accessor functions to attributes of class ChangepointDetector
ocd_update Processing a new data point for the 'OCD' class
param Accessor functions to attributes of class ChangepointDetector
ParkfieldSensors Parkfield seismic sensor data
patience Accessor functions to attributes of class ChangepointDetector
print.ChangepointDetector Printing methods for the 'ChangepointDetector' class
reset Reset changepoint detector to initial state
reset.Chan Reset changepoint detector to initial state
reset.Mei Reset changepoint detector to initial state
reset.OCD Reset changepoint detector to initial state
reset.XS Reset changepoint detector to initial state
setBaselineMean Set baseline mean
setBaselineSD Set baseline standard deviation
setStatus Set changepoint detector status
statistics Accessor functions to attributes of class ChangepointDetector
status Accessor functions to attributes of class ChangepointDetector
thresholds Accessor functions to attributes of class ChangepointDetector
tracked Accessor functions to attributes of class ChangepointDetector
update_param compute new mean and sd from old ones with one additional observation
XS_update Processing a new data point for the 'XS' class