get_final_codes {occupationMeasurement}R Documentation

Get the final occupation codes


The final occupation code will depend on the suggestion_id and, possibly, on followup_answers, depending on the suggestion_id provided. See occupationMeasurement::auxco$followup_questions for a list of suggestion_ids (=auxco_id) and their respective recommended follow-up questions.


  followup_answers = list(),
  standardized_answer_levels = NULL,
  approximate_standardized_answer_levels = TRUE,
  code_type = c("isco_08", "kldb_10"),
  verbose = TRUE,
  suggestion_type = "auxco-1.2.x",
  suggestion_type_options = list()



Id of the suggestion


A named list of the question_ids with their respective answers to the followup_questions. Question ids correspond to list names, answers correspond to list values.


A named list of standardized isco answer levels. Names in the list correspond to the type of isco standard, values correspond to the level itself. Possible standardized answer types are: "isco_skill_level" and "isco_supervisor_manager". These can be used instead of some followup questions if the information is available already from a different source. Please note that standardized answer levels are not available for all question types. For a list of options please take a look at the followup questions included in the auxco for example via occupationMeasurement::auxco$followup_questions.


(default TRUE) Follow up questions were designed to provide answer options that are not in conflict with suggestion_id. standardized_answer_levels can be in conflict with suggestion_id, and then no exact matches exist. With approximation, the answer option that is closest to the standardized_answer_levels provided, will be used.


Which type of codes should be returned. Multiple codes can be returned at the same time. Supported types of codes are "isco_08" and "kldb_10". Defaults to "isco_08" and "kldb_10".


(default TRUE) whether to return a message or not, detailing potential issues with the input provided.


Which suggestion type is being used. Only auxco-based suggestion_types are supported.


A list with options for generating suggestions. Supported options: - datasets: Pass specific datasets to be used whenn adding information to predictions e.g. use a specific version of the kldb or auxco. Supported datasets are: "auxco-1.2.x", "kldb-2010". By default the datasets bundled with this package are used.


The interview situation may not allow to ask these follow-up questions. Some default, but suboptimal occupation code is returned if followup_answers is missing.

If followup_answers is missing or incomplete, one may wish to insert/infer the missing information by using standardized_answer_levels.


A named list corresponding to the code_type(s) specified. Includes a message if verbose = TRUE


## Not run: 
  # Führungsaufgaben mit Personalverantwortung  bei der Lebensmittelherstellung
  followup_answers = list(
    # The first answer option in the first followup question
    "Q9076_1" = 2

# The same, but using standardized answer levels
  # Führungsaufgaben mit Personalverantwortung  bei der Lebensmittelherstellung
  standardized_answer_levels = list(
    # A response corresponding to the standard ISCO Level "supervisor"
    "isco_supervisor_manager" = "isco_supervisor"

# Same example with approximate matching, due to conflicting information:
# External data suggest the person is not a supervisor, but the person still
# says she does supervisory tasks (Führungsaufgaben, as encoded in "9076").
# If approximate_standardized_answer_levels = TRUE (the default), the
# selected answer "9076" trumps the external data and we will code this
# person as a supervisor.
  # Führungsaufgaben mit Personalverantwortung  bei der Lebensmittelherstellung
  standardized_answer_levels = list(
    # A response corresponding to the standard ISCO Level "not manager nor supervisor"
    "isco_supervisor_manager" = "isco_not_supervising"

## End(Not run)

[Package occupationMeasurement version 0.3.2 Index]