Interactively Measure Occupations in Interviews and Beyond

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Documentation for package ‘occupationMeasurement’ version 0.3.2

Help Pages

algo_similarity_based_reasoning Make suggestions using similarity based reasoning.
api Start the occupation coding API.
app Get an instance of the interactive shiny occupation coding app.
auxco German Auxiliary Classification of Occupations (AuxCO) v1.2.3
button_next Go to the next page
button_previous Go to the next page
create_app_settings Create app_settings.
get_final_codes Get the final occupation codes
get_followup_questions Get potential follow-up questions for a suggestion.
get_item_data Retrieve data for an item.
get_job_suggestions Make coding suggestions based on a user's open-ended text input.
get_responses Convenience function to aggregate all saved results_overview files.
isco_08_en Categories of the The International Standard Classification of Occupations - ISCO-08
load_auxco Load AuxCO from a directory of CSV files
load_kldb Clean & Load KldB 2010 dataset.
load_kldb_raw Clean & Load KldB 2010 dataset.
new_page Create a new questionnaire page.
page_choose_one_option Show a page with multiple radio button options where once can be picked.
page_feedback Page to receive feedback on how well the chosen suggestion fits
page_final A final page, showing instructions to close the window.
page_first_freetext The first freetext question to show.
page_followup Show potential followup questions to the user.
page_freetext Show a page with a text field where free text can be entered.
page_none_selected_freetext An additional freetext page to show when no suggestion has been selected.
page_results Page showing the user's results
page_second_freetext An optional, second free text question if the first didn't yield suggestions.
page_select_suggestion Display the generated suggestions for the user to pick one.
page_welcome Welcome Page (optional)
preprocess_string Preprocess a string, removing special characters and handling abbreviations.
pretrained_models Pretrained ML models to be used with the package.
questionnaire_demo A demo questionnaire with additional explanations
questionnaire_interviewer_administered A questionnaire for interviewer-administered surveys
questionnaire_web_survey A web survey which participants can navigate themselves.
set_item_data Set / save data for an item.
train_similarity_based_reasoning Train Similarity Based Probability Model with anonymized training data