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Polls and election results from the 2012 US Election
Polls and election results from the 2012 US Election
A list with two data frames: polls is a data frame of 51 rows and 4 variables
- State
State name
- Electoral.vote
Number of electoral votes in the 2012 election
- Margin
Margin between the parties with the highest number of votes and second highest number of votes. These margins are based on polls.
- Democrat
logical vector True, if the democratic party is the majority party in this state.
'election' is a data frame of 51 rows and 5 variables
- State
State name
- Candidate
character string of the winner: Romney or Obama
- Electoral.vote
Number of electoral votes in the 2012 election
- Margin
Margin between the parties with the highest number of votes and second highest number of votes. These margins are based on the actual election outcome
- Democrat
logical vector True, if the democratic party is the majority party in this state.