aud |
Conversion rate of 1 Australian Doller (AUD) to 1 US Dollar |
bin_dist |
Binned Distance |
box_dist |
Distance based on side by side Boxplots |
calc_diff |
Calculating the difference between true plot and the null plot with the maximum distance. |
calc_mean_dist |
Calculating the mean distances of each plot in the lineup. |
decrypt |
Use decrypt to reveal the position of the real data. |
distmet |
Empirical distribution of the distance |
distplot |
Plotting the distribution of the distance measure |
electoral |
Polls and election results from the 2012 US Election |
lal |
Los Angeles Lakers play-by-play data. |
lineup |
The line-up protocol. |
null_dist |
Generate null data with a specific distribution. |
null_lm |
Generate null data with null residuals from a model. |
null_permute |
Generate null data by permuting a variable. |
null_ts |
Generate null data by simulating from a time series model. |
opt_bin_diff |
Finds the number of bins in x and y direction which gives the maximum binned distance. |
pvisual |
P-value calculations. |
reg_dist |
Distance based on the regression parameters |
resid_boot |
Bootstrap residuals. |
resid_pboot |
Parametric bootstrap residuals. |
resid_rotate |
Rotation residuals. |
resid_sigma |
Residuals simulated by a normal model, with specified sigma |
rorschach |
The Rorschach protocol. |
sample_size |
Sample size calculator |
sep_dist |
Distance based on separation of clusters |
theme_strip |
A theme to minimally strip away the context |
tips |
Tipping data |
turk_results |
Sample turk results |
uni_dist |
Distance for univariate data |
visual_power |
Power calculations. |
wasps |
Wasp gene expression data. |