Normalised Prediction Distribution Errors for Nonlinear Mixed-Effect Models

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Documentation for package ‘npde’ version 3.5

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A C D G K N P R S T V W misc

npde-package Normalised prediction distribution errors for nonlinear mixed-effect models

-- A --

autonpde Compute normalised prediction distribution errors
aux.npdeplot.boxcov Covariate diagnostic plots
aux.npdeplot.computepi Scatterplots and VPC
aux.npdeplot.dist Distribution plots of pd/npde
aux.npdeplot.hist Distribution plots of pd/npde
aux.npdeplot.meanprof Scatterplots and VPC
aux.npdeplot.pimat Scatterplots and VPC
aux.npdeplot.transformObs Scatterplots and VPC
aux.npdeplot.transformPI Scatterplots and VPC

-- C --

calcnpde.sim Compute distribution of pd/npde using simulations
check.control.options Set options for an NpdeObject
compute.bands Scatterplots and VPC
compute.bands.true Scatterplots and VPC
computenpde.loq Method used to handle censored data
computenpde.omit Method used to handle censored data

-- D --

decorr.chol Decorrelation methods in npde
decorr.inverse Decorrelation methods in npde
decorr.polar Decorrelation methods in npde
dist.pred.sim Compute distribution of pd/npde using simulations

-- G --

gof.test Goodness-of-fit tests for npde
gof.test.default Goodness-of-fit tests for npde
gof.test.NpdeObject Goodness-of-fit tests for npde
gof.test.NpdeRes Goodness-of-fit tests for npde
gof.test.numeric Goodness-of-fit tests for npde

-- K --

kurtosis Kurtosis

-- N --

npde Compute normalised prediction distribution errors
npde.binning Internal functions used to produce prediction intervals
npde.cens.method Method used to handle censored data
npde.decorr.method Decorrelation methods in npde
npde.graphs Save the graphs for a NpdeObject object to a file
npde.graphs,NpdeObject Class "NpdeObject"
npde.graphs-method Save the graphs for a NpdeObject object to a file
npde.main,NpdeObject Class "NpdeObject"
npde.plot.covariate Covariate diagnostic plots Plot a NpdeData object
npde.plot.default Diagnostic plots
npde.plot.dist Distribution plots of pd/npde
npde.plot.loq Plot of the probability that the observations are below the LOQ
npde.plot.npd Plots for pd and npde
npde.plot.npde Plots for pd and npde
npde.plot.pd Plots for pd and npde
npde.plot.scatterplot Scatterplots and VPC Select plot for a NpdeObject object
npde.plot.splitcov Plots split by covariate for a NpdeObject object
npde.qqplot-method Class "NpdeData" representing the structure of the longitudinal data Save the results contained in a NpdeObject object to a file,NpdeObject Class "NpdeObject" Save the results contained in a NpdeObject object to a file
npdeControl Set options for an NpdeObject
NpdeData Class "NpdeData" representing the structure of the longitudinal data
npdeData Creates a NpdeData object
NpdeData-class Class "NpdeData" representing the structure of the longitudinal data
NpdeObject Class "NpdeObject"
NpdeObject-class Class "NpdeObject"
NpdeSimData Class "NpdeSimData" representing the structure of the longitudinal data
npdeSimData Creates a NpdeSimData object
NpdeSimData-class Class "NpdeSimData" representing the structure of the longitudinal data

-- P --

plot Diagnostic plots
plot,NpdeObject Class "NpdeObject"
plot.npde Plots a NpdeObject object
plot.NpdeData Plots a NpdeData object
plot.NpdeObject Plots a NpdeObject object
plotNpde Plots a NpdeObject object
print-method Class "NpdeData" representing the structure of the longitudinal data
print-method Class "NpdeObject"
print.NpdeData Prints objects from the npde package
print.NpdeObject Prints objects from the npde package
print.NpdeRes Prints objects from the npde package
printgoftest Goodness-of-fit tests for npde

-- R --

replace.control.options Set options for an NpdeObject

-- S --

set.plotoptions Set graphical preferences
set.plotoptions-method Set graphical preferences
set.plotoptions.default Set graphical preferences
set.plotoptions.NpdeData Set graphical preferences
set.plotoptions.NpdeObject Set graphical preferences
show Displays npde objects
show-method Displays npde objects
show.NpdeData Displays npde objects
show.NpdeObject Displays npde objects
show.NpdeRes Displays npde objects
show.NpdeSimData Displays npde objects
showall Contents of an object
showall,method Contents of an object
showall-method Class "NpdeObject"
showall-method Contents of an object
showall.default Contents of an object
showall.NpdeData Contents of an object
showall.NpdeObject Contents of an object
showall.NpdeRes Contents of an object
simtheopp Simulated data for the computation of normalised prediction distribution errors in the theophylline dataset
simvirload Simulated HIV viral loads in HIV patients
simwarfarinBase Pharmacokinetics of warfarin
simwarfarinCov Pharmacokinetics of warfarin
skewness Skewness
subset.NpdeData Subsetting a NpdeData object
subset.NpdeObject Subsetting a NpdeData object
summary-method Class "NpdeData" representing the structure of the longitudinal data
summary-method Class "NpdeObject"
summary.NpdeData Summary of a NpdeData object
summary.NpdeObject Summary of a NpdeData object
summary.NpdeRes Summary of a NpdeData object

-- T --

test-method Class "NpdeObject"
theopp Pharmacokinetics of theophylline

-- V --

virload Simulated HIV viral loads in HIV patients
virload20 Simulated HIV viral loads in HIV patients
virload50 Simulated HIV viral loads in HIV patients
virloadMDV20 Simulated HIV viral loads in HIV patients

-- W --

warfarin Pharmacokinetics of warfarin

-- misc --

[ Get/set methods for NpdeData object
[,NpdeSimData Get/set methods for NpdeData object
[-method Get/set methods for NpdeData object
[<-,NpdeSimData Get/set methods for NpdeData object
[<--method Get/set methods for NpdeData object