npde-package | Normalised prediction distribution errors for nonlinear mixed-effect models |
autonpde | Compute normalised prediction distribution errors |
aux.npdeplot.boxcov | Covariate diagnostic plots |
aux.npdeplot.computepi | Scatterplots and VPC |
aux.npdeplot.dist | Distribution plots of pd/npde |
aux.npdeplot.hist | Distribution plots of pd/npde |
aux.npdeplot.meanprof | Scatterplots and VPC |
aux.npdeplot.pimat | Scatterplots and VPC |
aux.npdeplot.transformObs | Scatterplots and VPC |
aux.npdeplot.transformPI | Scatterplots and VPC |
calcnpde.sim | Compute distribution of pd/npde using simulations |
check.control.options | Set options for an NpdeObject |
compute.bands | Scatterplots and VPC |
compute.bands.true | Scatterplots and VPC |
computenpde.loq | Method used to handle censored data |
computenpde.omit | Method used to handle censored data |
decorr.chol | Decorrelation methods in npde |
decorr.inverse | Decorrelation methods in npde |
decorr.polar | Decorrelation methods in npde |
dist.pred.sim | Compute distribution of pd/npde using simulations |
gof.test | Goodness-of-fit tests for npde |
gof.test.default | Goodness-of-fit tests for npde |
gof.test.NpdeObject | Goodness-of-fit tests for npde |
gof.test.NpdeRes | Goodness-of-fit tests for npde |
gof.test.numeric | Goodness-of-fit tests for npde |
kurtosis | Kurtosis |
npde | Compute normalised prediction distribution errors |
npde.binning | Internal functions used to produce prediction intervals |
npde.cens.method | Method used to handle censored data |
npde.decorr.method | Decorrelation methods in npde |
npde.graphs | Save the graphs for a NpdeObject object to a file |
npde.graphs,NpdeObject | Class "NpdeObject" |
npde.graphs-method | Save the graphs for a NpdeObject object to a file |
npde.main,NpdeObject | Class "NpdeObject" |
npde.plot.covariate | Covariate diagnostic plots | | Plot a NpdeData object |
npde.plot.default | Diagnostic plots |
npde.plot.dist | Distribution plots of pd/npde |
npde.plot.loq | Plot of the probability that the observations are below the LOQ |
npde.plot.npd | Plots for pd and npde |
npde.plot.npde | Plots for pd and npde |
npde.plot.pd | Plots for pd and npde |
npde.plot.scatterplot | Scatterplots and VPC | | Select plot for a NpdeObject object |
npde.plot.splitcov | Plots split by covariate for a NpdeObject object |
npde.qqplot-method | Class "NpdeData" representing the structure of the longitudinal data | | Save the results contained in a NpdeObject object to a file |,NpdeObject | Class "NpdeObject" | | Save the results contained in a NpdeObject object to a file |
npdeControl | Set options for an NpdeObject |
NpdeData | Class "NpdeData" representing the structure of the longitudinal data |
npdeData | Creates a NpdeData object |
NpdeData-class | Class "NpdeData" representing the structure of the longitudinal data |
NpdeObject | Class "NpdeObject" |
NpdeObject-class | Class "NpdeObject" |
NpdeSimData | Class "NpdeSimData" representing the structure of the longitudinal data |
npdeSimData | Creates a NpdeSimData object |
NpdeSimData-class | Class "NpdeSimData" representing the structure of the longitudinal data |
plot | Diagnostic plots |
plot,NpdeObject | Class "NpdeObject" |
plot.npde | Plots a NpdeObject object |
plot.NpdeData | Plots a NpdeData object |
plot.NpdeObject | Plots a NpdeObject object |
plotNpde | Plots a NpdeObject object |
print-method | Class "NpdeData" representing the structure of the longitudinal data |
print-method | Class "NpdeObject" |
print.NpdeData | Prints objects from the npde package |
print.NpdeObject | Prints objects from the npde package |
print.NpdeRes | Prints objects from the npde package |
printgoftest | Goodness-of-fit tests for npde |
replace.control.options | Set options for an NpdeObject |
set.plotoptions | Set graphical preferences |
set.plotoptions-method | Set graphical preferences |
set.plotoptions.default | Set graphical preferences |
set.plotoptions.NpdeData | Set graphical preferences |
set.plotoptions.NpdeObject | Set graphical preferences |
show | Displays npde objects |
show-method | Displays npde objects |
show.NpdeData | Displays npde objects |
show.NpdeObject | Displays npde objects |
show.NpdeRes | Displays npde objects |
show.NpdeSimData | Displays npde objects |
showall | Contents of an object |
showall,method | Contents of an object |
showall-method | Class "NpdeObject" |
showall-method | Contents of an object |
showall.default | Contents of an object |
showall.NpdeData | Contents of an object |
showall.NpdeObject | Contents of an object |
showall.NpdeRes | Contents of an object |
simtheopp | Simulated data for the computation of normalised prediction distribution errors in the theophylline dataset |
simvirload | Simulated HIV viral loads in HIV patients |
simwarfarinBase | Pharmacokinetics of warfarin |
simwarfarinCov | Pharmacokinetics of warfarin |
skewness | Skewness |
subset.NpdeData | Subsetting a NpdeData object |
subset.NpdeObject | Subsetting a NpdeData object |
summary-method | Class "NpdeData" representing the structure of the longitudinal data |
summary-method | Class "NpdeObject" |
summary.NpdeData | Summary of a NpdeData object |
summary.NpdeObject | Summary of a NpdeData object |
summary.NpdeRes | Summary of a NpdeData object |
test-method | Class "NpdeObject" |
theopp | Pharmacokinetics of theophylline |
virload | Simulated HIV viral loads in HIV patients |
virload20 | Simulated HIV viral loads in HIV patients |
virload50 | Simulated HIV viral loads in HIV patients |
virloadMDV20 | Simulated HIV viral loads in HIV patients |
warfarin | Pharmacokinetics of warfarin |
[ | Get/set methods for NpdeData object |
[,NpdeSimData | Get/set methods for NpdeData object |
[-method | Get/set methods for NpdeData object |
[<-,NpdeSimData | Get/set methods for NpdeData object |
[<--method | Get/set methods for NpdeData object |