normfluordbf {normfluodbf}R Documentation

Title: Cleans and Normalizes DBF files obtained from experiments using the FLUOstar microplate reader.


Input the path to a ".dbf" file obtained from the FLUOstar microplate (usually a 96-well microplate) reader; this function will create a data frame, clean the data frame, normalize the data frame, append a "Cycle_Number" column and return a data frame that is ready for analysis. Most importantly, this function is a single_step function. Also, the function can be extended to other ".dbf" files if they follow the format for which this function was designed; this is totally at the users' discretion.


normfluordbf(file = NULL, norm_scale = NULL, transformed = NULL, fun = NA, ...)



A string ("liposomes_xxx.dbf") if the file is found within the present working directory (pwd) OR a path pointing directly to a ".dbf" file, from FLUOstar experiments.


This parameter can taken in 'hundred', 'one', or 'z-score' which denotes the normalization type; Initialized as NULL.


This parameter can take in 'log' which denotes a logarithmic box-cox transformation; Initialized as NULL.


A variable defined as NA, used for boolean expressions or manipulation.


A container object that can be used to capture extra variables if needed.


A normalized data frame with an appended "Cycle_Number" attribute.


Re-nomenclature of norm_tidy_dbf to a more appropriate name that facilitates function utilization. Users can continue with the old name ("norm_tidy_dbf") but this is a better name in my opinion.


Tingwei Adeck


fpath <- system.file("extdata", "liposomes_214.dbf", package = "normfluodbf", mustWork = TRUE)
normalized_dbf <- normfluordbf(file=fpath, norm_scale = 'raw')

[Package normfluodbf version 1.5.2 Index]