ikedaMap {nonlinearTseries} | R Documentation |
Ikeda map
Generates a time series using the Ikeda map
a = 0.85,
b = 0.9,
cc = 7.7,
k = 0.4,
start = runif(2),
n.sample = 5000,
n.transient = 500,
do.plot = deprecated()
a |
The a parameter. Default: 0.85. |
b |
The b parameter. Default: 0.9. |
cc |
The c parameter. Default: 7.7. |
k |
The k parameter. Default: 0.4. |
start |
a 2-dimensional numeric vector indicating the starting value for the time series. If the starting point is not specified, it is generated randomly. |
n.sample |
Length of the generated time series. Default: 5000 samples. |
n.transient |
Number of transient samples that will be discarded. Default: 500 samples. |
do.plot |
Logical value. If TRUE, a plot of the generated ikeda system is shown. Before version 0.2.11, default value was TRUE; versions 0.2.11 and later use FALSE as default. |
The Ikeda map is defined as follows:
z_{n+1} = a + b \cdot z_n \cdot exp( ik-\frac{ic}{( 1+ |z_{n-1}|^2 )} )
The default selection for the a, b, c and k parameters is known to produce a deterministic chaotic time series.
a list with 2 vectors named x and y the x-components and the y-components of the Ikeda map, respectively.
Some initial values may lead to an unstable system that will tend to infinity.
Constantino A. Garcia
Strogatz, S.: Nonlinear dynamics and chaos: with applications to physics, biology, chemistry and engineering (Studies in Nonlinearity)
See Also
henon, logisticMap, lorenz,
rossler, cliffordMap, sinaiMap, gaussMap
## Not run:
ikeda.map=ikedaMap(n.sample = 1000, n.transient=10, do.plot=TRUE)
## End(Not run)