as.numeric.mutualInf | Average Mutual Information (AMI) |
buildTakens | Build the Takens' vectors |
cliffordMap | Clifford map |
contourLines | Obtain the contour lines of the space time plot. |
contourLines.spaceTimePlot | Space Time plot |
corrDim | Correlation sum, correlation dimension and generalized correlation dimension (order q >1). |
corrMatrix | Returns the correlation sums stored in the _corrDim_ object |
corrMatrix.corrDim | Correlation sum, correlation dimension and generalized correlation dimension (order q >1). |
dfa | Detrended Fluctuation Analysis |
divergence | Returns the rate of divergence of close trajectories needed for the maximum Lyapunov exponent estimation. |
divergence.maxLyapunov | Maximum lyapunov exponent |
divTime | Returns the time in which the divergence of close trajectories was computed in order to estimate the maximum Lyapunov exponent. |
divTime.maxLyapunov | Maximum lyapunov exponent |
embeddingDims | Get the embedding dimensions used for compute a chaotic invariant. |
embeddingDims.corrDim | Correlation sum, correlation dimension and generalized correlation dimension (order q >1). |
embeddingDims.infDim | Information dimension |
embeddingDims.maxLyapunov | Maximum lyapunov exponent |
embeddingDims.sampleEntropy | Sample Entropy (also known as Kolgomorov-Sinai Entropy) |
estimate | Estimate several chaotic invariants using linear regression |
estimate.corrDim | Correlation sum, correlation dimension and generalized correlation dimension (order q >1). |
estimate.dfa | Detrended Fluctuation Analysis |
estimate.infDim | Information dimension |
estimate.maxLyapunov | Maximum lyapunov exponent |
estimate.sampleEntropy | Sample Entropy (also known as Kolgomorov-Sinai Entropy) |
estimateEmbeddingDim | Estimate the embedding dimension |
FFTsurrogate | Generate surrogate data using the Fourier transform |
findAllNeighbours | neighbour search |
fixedMass | fixed mass |
fixedMass.infDim | Information dimension |
fluctuationFunction | Returns the fluctuation function obtained in a DFA and represented by a _dfa_ object. |
fluctuationFunction.dfa | Detrended Fluctuation Analysis |
gaussMap | Gauss map |
getContourLines | Obtain the contour lines of the space time plot. |
getContourLines.spaceTimePlot | Space Time plot |
henon | Henon map |
ikedaMap | Ikeda map |
infDim | Information dimension |
keenanTest | Keenan's test |
logisticMap | Logistic map |
logRadius | Obtain the the average log(radius) computed on the information dimension algorithm. |
logRadius.infDim | Information dimension |
lorenz | Lorenz system |
maxLyapunov | Maximum lyapunov exponent |
mcleodLiTest | McLeod-Li test |
mutualInformation | Average Mutual Information (AMI) |
neighbourSearch | neighbour search |
nlOrder | Get the order of the nonlinear chaotic invariant. |
nlOrder.corrDim | Correlation sum, correlation dimension and generalized correlation dimension (order q >1). |
nlOrder.sampleEntropy | Sample Entropy (also known as Kolgomorov-Sinai Entropy) |
nonlinearityTest | Nonlinearity test |
nonLinearNoiseReduction | Nonlinear noise reduction |
nonLinearPrediction | Nonlinear time series prediction |
plot.corrDim | Correlation sum, correlation dimension and generalized correlation dimension (order q >1). |
plot.dfa | Detrended Fluctuation Analysis |
plot.infDim | Information dimension |
plot.maxLyapunov | Maximum lyapunov exponent |
plot.mutualInf | Average Mutual Information (AMI) |
plot.sampleEntropy | Sample Entropy (also known as Kolgomorov-Sinai Entropy) |
plot.spaceTimePlot | Space Time plot |
plotLocalScalingExp | Plot local scaling exponents |
plotLocalScalingExp.corrDim | Correlation sum, correlation dimension and generalized correlation dimension (order q >1). |
plotLocalScalingExp.infDim | Information dimension |
poincareMap | Poincare map |
radius | Get the radius of the neighborhoods used for the computations of a chaotic invariant. |
radius.corrDim | Correlation sum, correlation dimension and generalized correlation dimension (order q >1). |
radius.sampleEntropy | Sample Entropy (also known as Kolgomorov-Sinai Entropy) |
recurrencePlot | Recurrence Plot |
rossler | Rossler system |
rqa | Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA) |
sampleEntropy | Sample Entropy (also known as Kolgomorov-Sinai Entropy) |
sampleEntropyFunction | Returns the sample entropy function h_q(m,r) used for the computations of the sample entropy. |
sampleEntropyFunction.sampleEntropy | Sample Entropy (also known as Kolgomorov-Sinai Entropy) |
sinaiMap | Sinai map |
spaceTimePlot | Space Time plot |
surrogateTest | Surrogate data testing |
thresholdTest | Threshold nonlinearity test |
timeAsymmetry | Time Reversibility statistic |
timeAsymmetry2 | Time Reversibility statistic |
timeLag | Estimate an appropiate time lag for the Takens' vectors |
tsayTest | Tsay's test |
windowSizes | Returns the window sizes used for DFA in a _dfa_ object. |
windowSizes.dfa | Detrended Fluctuation Analysis |
[.mutualInf | Average Mutual Information (AMI) |
[[.mutualInf | Average Mutual Information (AMI) |