Noisy Stochastic Block Mode: Graph Inference by Multiple Testing

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Documentation for package ‘noisySBM’ version 0.1.4

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addRowToTau split group q of provided tau randomly into two into
ARI Evalute the adjusted Rand index
classInd convert a clustering into a 0-1-matrix
convertGroupPair transform a pair of block identifiers (q,l) into an identifying integer
convertGroupPairIdentifier takes a scalar indice of a group pair (q,l) and returns the values q and l
convertNodePair transform a pair of nodes (i,j) into an identifying integer
correctTau corrects values of the variational parameters tau that are too close to the 0 or 1
emv_gamma compute the MLE in the Gamma model using the Newton-Raphson method
fitNSBM VEM algorithm to adjust the noisy stochastic block model to an observed dense adjacency matrix
getBestQ optimal number of SBM blocks
getRho compute rho associated with given values of w, nu0 and nu
getTauql Evaluate tau_q*tau_l in the noisy stochastic block model
graphInference new graph inference procedure
ICL_Q computation of the Integrated Classification Likelihood criterion
initialPoints compute a list of initial points for the VEM algorithm
initialPointsByMerge Construct initial values with Q groups by meging groups of a solution obtained with Q+1 groups
initialPointsBySplit Construct initial values with Q groups by splitting groups of a solution obtained with Q-1 groups
initialRho compute initial values of rho
initialTau compute intial values for tau
J.gamma evaluate the objective in the Gamma model
JEvalMstep evaluation of the objective in the Gauss model
listNodePairs returns a list of all possible node pairs (i,j)
lvaluesNSBM compute conditional l-values in the noisy stochastic block model
mainVEM_Q main function of VEM algorithm with fixed number of SBM blocks
mainVEM_Q_par main function of VEM algorithm for fixed number of latent blocks in parallel computing
modelDensity evaluate the density in the current model
Mstep M-step
plotGraphs plot the data matrix, the inferred graph and/or the true binary graph
plotICL plot ICL curve
qvaluesNSBM compute q-values in the noisy stochastic block model
q_delta_ql auxiliary function for the computation of q-values
res_exp Output of fitNSBM() on a dataset applied in the exponential NSBM
res_gamma Output of fitNSBM() on a dataset applied in the Gamma NSBM
res_gauss Output of fitNSBM() on a dataset applied in the Gaussian NSBM
rnsbm simulation of a graph according the noisy stochastic block model
spectralClustering spectral clustering with absolute values
tauDown Create new initial values by merging pairs of groups of provided tau
tauUp Create new values of tau by splitting groups of provided tau
tauUpdate Compute one iteration to solve the fixed point equation in the VE-step
update_newton_gamma Perform one iteration of the Newton-Raphson to compute the MLE of the parameters of the Gamma distribution
VEstep VE-step