Nonlinear Regression for Agricultural Applications

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Documentation for package ‘nlraa’ version 1.9.7

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-- A --

agauss self start for an asymmetric Gaussian bell-shaped curve

-- B --

barley Barley response to nitrogen fertilizer
bell self start for a bell-shaped curve
beta5 self start for Beta 5-parameter function
bg4rp self start for the reparameterized Beta growth function with four parameters
bgf self start for Beta Growth Function
bgf2 self start for Beta Growth Function
bgf4 self start for Beta growth function with four parameters
bgrp self start for the reparameterized Beta growth function
blin self start for a bilinear Function
boot_gls Bootstraping for linear mixed models
boot_gnls Bootstraping for generalized nonlinear models and nonlinear mixed models
boot_lm Bootstrapping for linear models
boot_lme Bootstraping for linear mixed models
boot_nlme Bootstraping for generalized nonlinear models and nonlinear mixed models
boot_nls Bootstrapping for nonlinear models

-- C --

card3 self start for cardinal temperature response

-- D --

dlf self start for Declining Logistic Function

-- E --

expf self start for an exponential function
expfp self start for an exponential-plateau function
explin self start for the exponential-linear growth equation

-- F -- object for confidence bands vignette object for confidence bands vignette object for confidence bands vignette object for confidence bands vignette object for confidence bands vignette

-- H --

harm1 self start for a harmonic regression model
hill1 self start for Hill Function
hill2 self start for Hill Function
hill3 self start for Hill Function

-- I --

IA_tab Indexes of Agreement Table
IC_tab Information Criteria Table

-- L --

lfmc Live fuel moisture content
linp self start for linear-plateau function object for confidence bands vignette
logis5 self start for five-parameter logistic function

-- M --

maizeleafext Maize leaf extension rate as a response to temperature
moh self start for modified hyperbola (photosynthesis)

-- N --

nlraa.env Environment to store options and data for nlraa
nlsLMList Create a list of nls objects with the option of using nlsLM in addition to nls
nlsLMList.formula Formula method for nls 'LM' list method
nlsLMList.selfStart Create a list of nls objects with the option of using nlsLM in addition to nls
nrh self start for non-rectangular hyperbola (photosynthesis)

-- P --

pexpf self start for plateau-exponential function
plin self start for plateau-linear function
plot.IA_tab Indexes of Agreement Table
pquad self start for plateau-quadratic function
pquad3 self start for plateau-quadratic function
predict2_gam Average predictions from several (non)linear models based on IC weights
predict2_nls Prediction Bands for Nonlinear Regression
predict_gam Modified prediciton function based on predict.gam
predict_gls Average predictions from several (non)linear models based on IC weights
predict_gnls Average predictions from several (non)linear models based on IC weights
predict_lme Average predictions from several (non)linear models based on IC weights
predict_nlme Average predictions from several (non)linear models based on IC weights
predict_nls Average predictions from several (non)linear models based on IC weights
print.IA_tab Indexes of Agreement Table
print_boot Print an object of class 'boot'
profd self start for profile decay function

-- Q --

quadp self start for quadratic-plateau function
quadp3 self start for quadratic-plateau function
quadp3xs self start for quadratic-plateau function (xs)

-- R --

R2M R-squared for nonlinear mixed models
R2M.gls R-squared for nonlinear mixed models
R2M.gnls R-squared for nonlinear mixed models
R2M.lm R-squared for nonlinear mixed models
R2M.lme R-squared for nonlinear mixed models
R2M.nlme R-squared for nonlinear mixed models
R2M.nls R-squared for nonlinear mixed models
ratio self start for a rational curve
ricker self start for Ricker Function

-- S --

scard3 self start for smooth cardinal temperature response
sharp self start for temperature response
simulate_gam Simulate responses from a generalized additive linear model 'gam'
simulate_gls Simulate fitted values from an object of class 'gls'
simulate_gnls Simulate fitted values from an object of class 'gnls'
simulate_lm Simulate responses from a linear model 'lm'
simulate_lme Simulate values from an object of class 'lme'
simulate_nlme Simulate samples from a nonlinear mixed model from fixed effects
simulate_nlme_one Simulate fitted values from an object of class 'nlme'
simulate_nls Simulate fitted values from an object of class 'nls'
sm Sorghum and Maize growth in Greece
SSagauss self start for an asymmetric Gaussian bell-shaped curve
SSbell self start for a bell-shaped curve
SSbeta5 self start for Beta 5-parameter function
SSbg4rp self start for the reparameterized Beta growth function with four parameters
SSbgf self start for Beta Growth Function
SSbgf4 self start for Beta growth function with four parameters
SSbgrp self start for the reparameterized Beta growth function
SSblin self start for a bilinear Function
SScard3 self start for cardinal temperature response
SSdlf self start for Declining Logistic Function
SSexpf self start for an exponential function
SSexpfp self start for an exponential-plateau function
SSexplin self start for the exponential-linear growth equation
SSharm1 self start for a harmonic regression model
SShill self start for Hill Function
SShill1 self start for Hill Function
SShill2 self start for Hill Function
SShill3 self start for Hill Function
SSlinp self start for linear-plateau function
SSlogis5 self start for five-parameter logistic function
SSmoh self start for modified hyperbola (photosynthesis)
SSnrh self start for non-rectangular hyperbola (photosynthesis)
SSpexpf self start for plateau-exponential function
SSplin self start for plateau-linear function
SSpquad self start for plateau-quadratic function
SSpquad3 self start for plateau-quadratic function
SSprofd self start for profile decay function
SSquadp self start for quadratic-plateau function
SSquadp3 self start for quadratic-plateau function
SSquadp3xs self start for quadratic-plateau function (xs)
SSratio self start for a rational curve
SSricker self start for Ricker Function
SSscard3 self start for smooth cardinal temperature response
SSsharp self start for temperature response
SStemp3 self start for Collatz temperature response
SStrlin self start for a trilinear Function
summary_simulate Summarize a matrix of simulations by their mean (median), sd (mad), and quantiles
swpg Water limitations for Soybean growth

-- T --

temp3 self start for Collatz temperature response
trlin self start for a trilinear Function

-- V --

var_cov Variance Covariance matrix of for g(n)ls and (n)lme models