agauss | self start for an asymmetric Gaussian bell-shaped curve |
barley | Barley response to nitrogen fertilizer |
bell | self start for a bell-shaped curve |
beta5 | self start for Beta 5-parameter function |
bg4rp | self start for the reparameterized Beta growth function with four parameters |
bgf | self start for Beta Growth Function |
bgf2 | self start for Beta Growth Function |
bgf4 | self start for Beta growth function with four parameters |
bgrp | self start for the reparameterized Beta growth function |
blin | self start for a bilinear Function |
boot_gls | Bootstraping for linear mixed models |
boot_gnls | Bootstraping for generalized nonlinear models and nonlinear mixed models |
boot_lm | Bootstrapping for linear models |
boot_lme | Bootstraping for linear mixed models |
boot_nlme | Bootstraping for generalized nonlinear models and nonlinear mixed models |
boot_nls | Bootstrapping for nonlinear models |
card3 | self start for cardinal temperature response |
dlf | self start for Declining Logistic Function |
expf | self start for an exponential function |
expfp | self start for an exponential-plateau function |
explin | self start for the exponential-linear growth equation |
fm1.P.at.x.0.4 | object for confidence bands vignette fm1.P.at.x.0.4 |
fm1.P.bt | object for confidence bands vignette fm1.P.bt |
fm1.P.bt.ft | object for confidence bands vignette fm1.P.bt.ft |
fm2.Lob.bt | object for confidence bands vignette fm2.Lob.bt |
fmm1.bt | object for confidence bands vignette fmm1.bt |
harm1 | self start for a harmonic regression model |
hill1 | self start for Hill Function |
hill2 | self start for Hill Function |
hill3 | self start for Hill Function |
IA_tab | Indexes of Agreement Table |
IC_tab | Information Criteria Table |
lfmc | Live fuel moisture content |
linp | self start for linear-plateau function |
Lob.bt.pe | object for confidence bands vignette Lob.bt.pe |
logis5 | self start for five-parameter logistic function |
maizeleafext | Maize leaf extension rate as a response to temperature |
moh | self start for modified hyperbola (photosynthesis) |
nlraa.env | Environment to store options and data for nlraa |
nlsLMList | Create a list of nls objects with the option of using nlsLM in addition to nls |
nlsLMList.formula | Formula method for nls 'LM' list method |
nlsLMList.selfStart | Create a list of nls objects with the option of using nlsLM in addition to nls |
nrh | self start for non-rectangular hyperbola (photosynthesis) |
pexpf | self start for plateau-exponential function |
plin | self start for plateau-linear function |
plot.IA_tab | Indexes of Agreement Table |
pquad | self start for plateau-quadratic function |
pquad3 | self start for plateau-quadratic function |
predict2_gam | Average predictions from several (non)linear models based on IC weights |
predict2_nls | Prediction Bands for Nonlinear Regression |
predict_gam | Modified prediciton function based on predict.gam |
predict_gls | Average predictions from several (non)linear models based on IC weights |
predict_gnls | Average predictions from several (non)linear models based on IC weights |
predict_lme | Average predictions from several (non)linear models based on IC weights |
predict_nlme | Average predictions from several (non)linear models based on IC weights |
predict_nls | Average predictions from several (non)linear models based on IC weights |
print.IA_tab | Indexes of Agreement Table |
print_boot | Print an object of class 'boot' |
profd | self start for profile decay function |
quadp | self start for quadratic-plateau function |
quadp3 | self start for quadratic-plateau function |
quadp3xs | self start for quadratic-plateau function (xs) |
R2M | R-squared for nonlinear mixed models |
R2M.gls | R-squared for nonlinear mixed models |
R2M.gnls | R-squared for nonlinear mixed models |
R2M.lm | R-squared for nonlinear mixed models |
R2M.lme | R-squared for nonlinear mixed models |
R2M.nlme | R-squared for nonlinear mixed models |
R2M.nls | R-squared for nonlinear mixed models |
ratio | self start for a rational curve |
ricker | self start for Ricker Function |
scard3 | self start for smooth cardinal temperature response |
sharp | self start for temperature response |
simulate_gam | Simulate responses from a generalized additive linear model 'gam' |
simulate_gls | Simulate fitted values from an object of class 'gls' |
simulate_gnls | Simulate fitted values from an object of class 'gnls' |
simulate_lm | Simulate responses from a linear model 'lm' |
simulate_lme | Simulate values from an object of class 'lme' |
simulate_nlme | Simulate samples from a nonlinear mixed model from fixed effects |
simulate_nlme_one | Simulate fitted values from an object of class 'nlme' |
simulate_nls | Simulate fitted values from an object of class 'nls' |
sm | Sorghum and Maize growth in Greece |
SSagauss | self start for an asymmetric Gaussian bell-shaped curve |
SSbell | self start for a bell-shaped curve |
SSbeta5 | self start for Beta 5-parameter function |
SSbg4rp | self start for the reparameterized Beta growth function with four parameters |
SSbgf | self start for Beta Growth Function |
SSbgf4 | self start for Beta growth function with four parameters |
SSbgrp | self start for the reparameterized Beta growth function |
SSblin | self start for a bilinear Function |
SScard3 | self start for cardinal temperature response |
SSdlf | self start for Declining Logistic Function |
SSexpf | self start for an exponential function |
SSexpfp | self start for an exponential-plateau function |
SSexplin | self start for the exponential-linear growth equation |
SSharm1 | self start for a harmonic regression model |
SShill | self start for Hill Function |
SShill1 | self start for Hill Function |
SShill2 | self start for Hill Function |
SShill3 | self start for Hill Function |
SSlinp | self start for linear-plateau function |
SSlogis5 | self start for five-parameter logistic function |
SSmoh | self start for modified hyperbola (photosynthesis) |
SSnrh | self start for non-rectangular hyperbola (photosynthesis) |
SSpexpf | self start for plateau-exponential function |
SSplin | self start for plateau-linear function |
SSpquad | self start for plateau-quadratic function |
SSpquad3 | self start for plateau-quadratic function |
SSprofd | self start for profile decay function |
SSquadp | self start for quadratic-plateau function |
SSquadp3 | self start for quadratic-plateau function |
SSquadp3xs | self start for quadratic-plateau function (xs) |
SSratio | self start for a rational curve |
SSricker | self start for Ricker Function |
SSscard3 | self start for smooth cardinal temperature response |
SSsharp | self start for temperature response |
SStemp3 | self start for Collatz temperature response |
SStrlin | self start for a trilinear Function |
summary_simulate | Summarize a matrix of simulations by their mean (median), sd (mad), and quantiles |
swpg | Water limitations for Soybean growth |
temp3 | self start for Collatz temperature response |
trlin | self start for a trilinear Function |
var_cov | Variance Covariance matrix of for g(n)ls and (n)lme models |