dBetaBinom {nimbleEcology}R Documentation

A beta binomial distribution and beta function for use in nimble models


dBetaBinom_v and dBetaBinom_s provide a beta binomial distribution that can be used directly from R or in nimble models. These are also used by beta binomial variations of dNmixture distributions. nimBetaFun is the beta function.


nimBetaFun(a, b, log)

dBetaBinom_v(x, N, shape1, shape2, len, log = 0)

dBetaBinom_s(x, N, shape1, shape2, len, log = 0)

rBetaBinom_v(n, N, shape1, shape2, len)

rBetaBinom_s(n, N, shape1, shape2, len)



shape1 argument of the beta function.


shape2 argument of the beta function.


TRUE or 1 to return log probability. FALSE or 0 to return probability.


vector of integer counts.


number of trials, sometimes called "size".


shape1 parameter of the beta distribution.


shape2 parameter of the beta distribution.


length of x.


number of random draws, each returning a vector of length len. Currently only n = 1 is supported, but the argument exists for standardization of "r" functions.


These nimbleFunctions provide distributions that can be used directly in R or in nimble hierarchical models (via nimbleCode and nimbleModel). They are used by the beta-binomial variants of the N-mixture distributions (dNmixture).

The beta binomial is the marginal distribution of a binomial distribution whose probability follows a beta distribution.

The probability mass function of the beta binomial is choose(N, x) * B(x + shape1, N - x + shape2) / B(shape1, shape2), where B(shape1, shape2) is the beta function.

nimBetaFun(shape1, shape2) calculates B(shape1, shape2).

The beta binomial distribution is provided in two forms. dBetaBinom_v and is when shape1 and shape2 are vectors. dBetaBinom_s is used when shape1 and shape2 are scalars. In both cases, x is a vector.


Ben Goldstein and Perry de Valpine

See Also

For beta binomial N-mixture models, see dNmixture. For documentation on the beta function, use ?stats::dbeta


# Calculate a beta binomial probability with different shape1 and shape2 for each x[i]
dBetaBinom_v(x = c(4, 0, 0, 3), N = 10,
  shape1 = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.3, 0.5), shape2 = c(0.2, 0.4, 1, 1.2))
# or with constant shape1 and shape2
dBetaBinom_s(x = c(4, 0, 0, 3), N = 10, shape1 = 0.5, shape2 = 0.5, log = TRUE)

[Package nimbleEcology version 0.5.0 Index]