Niche Region and Niche Overlap Metrics for Multidimensional Ecological Niches

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Documentation for package ‘nicheROVER’ version 1.1.2

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nicheROVER-package (Niche) (R)egion and Niche (Over)lap Metrics for Multidimensional Ecological Niches.
ellipse Point coordinates for a 2-D ellipse.
fish Fish stable isotope dataset.
niche.par.plot Plot for niche parameters.
niche.plot Plot for 2-d projection of niche regions.
niche.runif Uniform sampling from an elliptical niche region.
niche.size Calculate the size of an elliptical niche region.
nicheROVER (Niche) (R)egion and Niche (Over)lap Metrics for Multidimensional Ecological Niches. Random draws from the posterior distribution with Normal-Independent-Inverse-Wishart (NIIW) prior.
niw.coeffs Posterior coefficients of the Normal-Inverse-Wishart distribution with its conjugate prior. Mean and variance of the Normal-Inverse-Wishart distribution. Random draws from the posterior distribution with Normal-Inverse-Wishart (NIW) prior.
overlap Monte Carlo calculation of niche region overlap metrics.
overlap.plot Plot the overlap metric.
overlap.sphere Overlap calculation for uniform niche regions.
overlap.unif Overlap calculation for uniform niche regions.
rniw Random draws from a Normal-Inverse-Wishart distribution.
rwish Random draws from a Wishart (or Inverse-Wishart) distribution.