Preprocessing of Structural MRI for Multiple Neurodegenerative Diseases

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Documentation for package ‘neuronorm’ version 1.0.2

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coregistration_images Create a vector of the corregistered images based on the available MRI images modalities.
create_bias_list Create a vector of inhomogeneity corrected images based on the available MRI images modalities.
get_modalities Create a vector of strings with the MRI modalities available in a patient's folder.
image_normalization_ravel Wrapper function for RAVEL normalization of T1-weighted images
load_mri_group Load MRI per group or disease
load_mri_patient Load MRI scans per patient
preprocess_modalities Preprocess group of MRI scan for one patient
preprocess_modality_t1 Preprocess T1-weighted MRI scan for one patient
preprocess_patients Preprocess MRI scans for multiple patients