R.gibbs {netgwas}R Documentation

The expectation of covariance matrix using Gibbs sampling


This function implements the Gibbs sampling method within Gaussian copula graphical model to estimate the conditional expectation for the data that not follow Gaussianity assumption (e.g. ordinal, discrete, continuous non-Gaussian, or mixed dataset).


R.gibbs(y, theta, gibbs.iter = 1000, mc.iter = 500, 
                   ncores = NULL, verbose = TRUE)



An (n×pn \times p) matrix or a data.frame corresponding to the data matrix (nn is the sample size and pp is the number of variables). It also could be an object of class "simgeno".


A p×pp \times p precision matrix. Default is a diagonal matrix.


The number of burn-in for the Gibbs sampling. The default value is 1000.


The number of Monte Carlo samples to calculate the conditional expectation. The default value is 500.


If ncores = NULL, the algorithm internally detects number of available cores and run the calculations in parallel on (available cores - 1). Typical usage is to fix ncores = 1 when pp is small (p<500)( p < 500 ), and ncores = NULL when pp is very large.


If verbose = FALSE, printing information is disabled. The default value is TRUE.


This function calculates Rˉ\bar{R} using Gibbs sampling method within the E-step of EM algorithm, where

Rˉ=n1i=1nE(Z(i)Z(i)ty(i),Θ^(m)) \bar{R} = n ^ {-1} \sum_{i=1}^{n} E( Z^{(i)} Z^{(i)t} | y^{(i)}, \hat{\Theta}^{(m)})

which nn is the number of sample size and ZZ is the latent variable which is obtained from Gaussian copula graphical model.



Expectation of covariance matrix ( diagonal scaled to 1) of the Gaussian copula graphical model


Pariya Behrouzi, Danny Arends and Ernst C. Wit
Maintainers: Pariya Behrouzi pariya.behrouzi@gmail.com


1. Behrouzi, P., Arends, D., and Wit, E. C. (2023). netgwas: An R Package for Network-Based Genome-Wide Association Studies. The R journal, 14(4), 18-37.
2. Behrouzi, P., and Wit, E. C. (2019). Detecting epistatic selection with partially observed genotype data by using copula graphical models. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 68(1), 141-160.


D <- simgeno(p = 100, n = 50, k = 3)
R.gibbs(D$data, ncores=1)

[Package netgwas version 1.14.3 Index]