Network-Based Genome Wide Association Studies

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Documentation for package ‘netgwas’ version 1.14.3

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netgwas-package Network Based Genome Wide Association Studies
buildMap linkage group detection and ordering markers for class "netgwasmap"
cal.pos Estimate genetic map distances
cross2netgwas 'cross' object to 'netgwas' data frame
cutoffs Cut-points
CviCol Arabidopsis thaliana genotype data
detect.err Identiying likely genotyping error
lower.upper Calculates lower band and upper band
netgwas2cross netgwasmap object to cross object
netmap Constructing linkage map for diploids and polyploids
netphenogeno Reconstructs conditional dependence network among genetic loci and phenotypes
netsnp Reconstructs intra- and inter- chromosomal conditional interactions among genetic loci
plot.netgwas plot for S3 class "netgwas"
plot.netgwasmap plot for S3 class "netgwasmap" Plot function for S3 class "select"
plot.simgeno Plot function for 'S3' class '"simgeno"'
print.netgwas Print function for S3 class "netgwas"
print.netgwasmap Print function for S3 class "netgwasmap" Print function for S3 class "select"
print.simgeno Print function for S3 class "simgeno"
R.approx The expectation of covariance using approximation method
R.gibbs The expectation of covariance matrix using Gibbs sampling
selectnet Model selection
simgeno Generate genotype data based on Gaussian copula
simRIL Generate genotype data of RIL
tetraPotato tetraploid potato genotype data
thaliana Arabidopsis thaliana phenotype and genotype data