Unified Multiple Testing Procedures

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Documentation for package ‘mutoss’ version 0.1-13

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ABH_pi0_est Lowest Slope Line (LSL) method of Hochberg and Benjamini for estimating pi0
adaptiveBH Benjamini-Hochberg (2000) adaptive linear step-up procedure
adaptiveSTS Storey-Taylor-Siegmund (2004) adaptive step-up procedure
adjPValuesPlot A function plotting adjusted p-values...
aorc Step-up-down test based on the asymptotically optimal rejection curve.
augmentation Wrapper function to the augmentation methods of the multtest package.
BH Benjamini-Hochberg (1995) linear step-up procedure
BL Benjamini-Liu (1999) step-down procedure
BlaRoq Blanchard-Roquain (2008) step-up Procedure for arbitrary dependent p-Values...
bonferroni Bonferroni correction...
BR_pi0_est Estimate of pi0 using the one-step Blanchard-Roquain procedure
BY Benjamini-Yekutieli (2001) step-up procedure
calculateBetaAdjustment Calculating the beta adjustment factor for the asymptotically optimal rejection curve.
compareMutoss Functions for comparing outputs of different procedures.
ErrorControl-class Class ErrorControl
fisher22.marginal Fisher (2x2) table association analysis for calculating all marginal p-values...
fisher22.model Mutoss Models
fisher22_fast Fisher (2x2) table association analysis for calculating one (marginal) p-value...
fisher23.marginal Fisher-type (2x3) table association analysis for calculating all marginal p-values...
fisher23.model Mutoss Models
fisher23_fast Fisher-type (2x3) table association analysis for calculating one (marginal) p-value...
ftest.marginal Marginal F test
ftest.model Mutoss Models
gao Xin Gao's non-parametric multiple test procedure is applied to Data.
gao.wrapper Xin Gao's non-parametric multiple test procedure is applied to Data.
gatherParameters Extracts the parameters from the simulation()-Object
gatherStatistics Gathering statistics from simulation()-Object
hochberg Hochberg (1988) step-up procedure
holm Holm's (1979) step-down-procedure
hommel Hommel's (1988) step-up-procedure
indepBR Blanchard-Roquain (2009) 1-stage adaptive step-up
jointCDF.orderedUnif Joint cumulative distribution function of order statistics of n iid. U(0,1)-distributed random variables
linearStepUp Linear Step Up Service Function...
mu.compare.adjusted Functions for comparing outputs of different procedures.
mu.compare.critical Functions for comparing outputs of different procedures.
mu.compare.summary Functions for comparing outputs of different procedures.
mu.test.class Test for compatible classes for comparison...
mu.test.name Tests if all hypotheses have the same names.
mu.test.rates Tests that different procedures used the same error rates.
mu.test.same.data Tests if the same pvalues were used by different procedures.
mu.test.type Tests that different procedures use the same error types.
multcomp.wrapper Simultaneous confidence intervals for arbitrary parametric contrasts in unbalanced one-way layouts.
multiple.down Benjamini-Krieger-Yekutieli (2006) Multi-Stage Step-Down
multiple.down.adjust A service function used by multiple...
Mutoss-class Class Mutoss
mutoss.apply Applies a function to a Mutoss object.
mutoss.plotCI mutoss.plotCI
MutossMethod Class MutossMethod
MutossMethod-class Class MutossMethod
notterman Notterman data set
notterman.grpLabel Notterman data set
nparcomp Simultaneous confidence intervals for relative contrast effects...
nparcomp.wrapper Simultaneous confidence intervals for relative contrast effects...
onesamp.marginal Marginal one sample test
onesamp.model Mutoss Models
oracleBH Bejamini-Hochberg (2000) oracle linear step-up Procedure...
paired.marginal Marginal paired two sample test
paired.model Mutoss Models
printRejected Internal MuTossProjekt-Function
pval2locfdr Strimmer et al.'s fdrtool-based local fdr
pval2qval Strimmer et al.'s fdrtool-based q-values
pValuesPlot A function plotting p-values...
Qvalue Storey's (2001) q-value Procedure...
ranktruncated Rank truncated p-Value procedure...
regwq REGWQ - Ryan / Einot and Gabriel / Welsch test procedure...
reject reject
requireLibrary Tries to load a package.
rom Rom's (1990) step-up-procedure.
SD A general step-down procedure.
sidak Sidak correction
SidakSD Sidak-like (1987) step-down procedure
simulation Simulation studies
snk Student - Newman - Keuls rejective test procedure.
snk.wrapper Student - Newman - Keuls rejective test procedure.
storey_pi0_est Storey-Taylor-Siegmund estimation of pi0 (finite sample version)
SU A general step-up procedure.
SUD A general step-up-down procedure.
T.Test.tumor.vs.normal Notterman data set
TSBKY_pi0_est Two-step estimation method of Benjamini, Krieger and Yekutieli for estimating pi0
tukey.wrapper Tukey HSD test and simultaneous confidence intervals for all pairs comparisons...
two.stage A p-value procedure which controls the FDR for independent test statistics.
twosamp.marginal Marginal two sample test
twosamp.model Mutoss Models
twostageBR Blanchard-Roquain (2009) 2-stage adaptive step-up...