priors {multinma}R Documentation

Prior distributions


These functions are used to specify prior distributions for the model parameters.


normal(location = 0, scale)


log_normal(location, scale)

cauchy(location = 0, scale)


student_t(location = 0, scale, df)

half_student_t(scale, df)

log_student_t(location, scale, df)

exponential(scale = 1/rate, rate = 1/scale)




Prior location. Typically prior mean (see details).


Prior scale. Typically prior standard deviation (see details).


Prior degrees of freedom.


Prior rate.


The location and scale parameters are typically the prior mean and standard deviation, with the following exceptions:

Compatibility with model parameters

The following table summarises which prior distributions may be used with which model parameters. Essentially, priors that take only non-negative values (e.g. half-Normal) may only be used for non-negative parameters (heterogeneity SD/variance/precision, and any auxiliary parameter). If a real-valued prior distribution is specified for a non-negative parameter, it will be truncated at 0 to be non-negative.

Intercept prior_intercept Treatment effects prior_trt Heterogeneity prior_het Regression coefficients prior_reg Auxiliary parameter prior_aux
Normal normal() Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
half-Normal half_normal() - - Yes - Yes
log-Normal log_normal() - - Yes - Yes
Cauchy cauchy() Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
half-Cauchy half_cauchy() - - Yes - Yes
Student t student_t() Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
half-Student t half_student_t() - - Yes - Yes
log-Student t log_student_t() - - Yes - Yes
Exponential exponential() - - Yes - Yes
Flat flat() Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

The flat() prior is a special case where no prior information is added to the model, resulting in an implicit flat uniform prior distribution over the entire support for a parameter. This will be an improper prior if the parameter is unbounded, and is not generally advised. See the Stan user's guide for more details.


Object of class nma_prior.

See Also

summary.nma_prior() for summarising details of prior distributions. plot_prior_posterior() for plots comparing the prior and posterior distributions of model parameters.

[Package multinma version 0.7.1 Index]