Multiblock Data Fusion in Statistics and Machine Learning

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Documentation for package ‘multiblock’ version

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-- A --

asca Analysis of Variance Simultaneous Component Analysis - ASCA
asca_plots ASCA Result Methods
asca_results ASCA Result Methods

-- B --

barplot.rosa Plotting functions for ROSA models
basic Single- and Two-Block Methods
biplot.multiblock Plot Functions for Multiblock Objects
biplot.sopls Scores, loadings and plots for sopls objects Block-wise indexable data.frame
block.preprocess Preprocessing of block data
blockexpl Result functions for ROSA models

-- C --

candies Sensory assessment of candies.
cca Canonical Correlation Analysis - CCA
classify Result functions for SO-PLS models
classify.sopls Result functions for SO-PLS models
coef.rosa Result functions for ROSA models
coef.sopls Result functions for SO-PLS models
complex Methods With Complex Linkage
compnames Vector of component names
corrplot Plot Functions for Multiblock Objects
corrplot.default Plot Functions for Multiblock Objects
corrplot.multiblock Plot Functions for Multiblock Objects
corrplot.mvr Plot Functions for Multiblock Objects
corrplot.sopls Scores, loadings and plots for sopls objects
cvanova Result functions for SO-PLS models
cvanova.default Result functions for SO-PLS models
cvanova.sopls Result functions for SO-PLS models

-- D --

disco Distinctive and Common Components with SCA - DISCO
DISCOsca DISCO-SCA rotation.
dummycode Dummy-coding of a single vector

-- E --

explvar Explained predictor variance
extended.model.frame Extracting the Extended Model Frame from a Formula or Fit

-- G --

gca Generalized Canonical Analysis - GCA
gpa Generalized Procrustes Analysis - GPA
gsvd Generalised Singular Value Decomposition - GSVD

-- H --

hogsvd Higher Order Generalized SVD - HOGSVD
hpca Hierarchical Principal component analysis - HPCA

-- I --

ifa Inter-battery Factor Analysis - IFA
image.rosa Plotting functions for ROSA models

-- J --

jive Joint and Individual Variation Explained - JIVE

-- L --

loadingplot.asca ASCA Result Methods
loadingplot.multiblock Plot Functions for Multiblock Objects
loadingplot.sopls Scores, loadings and plots for sopls objects
loadings.asca ASCA Result Methods
loadings.multiblock Result Functions for Multiblock Objects
loadings.rosa Result functions for ROSA models
loadings.sopls Scores, loadings and plots for sopls objects
loadingweightplot Plot Functions for Multiblock Objects
lpls L-PLS regression
lplsCV Result functions for L-PLS objects ('lpls')
lplsData L-PLS data simulation for exo-type analysis
lpls_results Result functions for L-PLS objects ('lpls')

-- M --

maage Måge plot
maageSeq Måge plot
mbpls Multiblock Partial Least Squares - MB-PLS
mbrda Multiblock Redundancy Analysis - mbRDA
mcoa Multiple Co-Inertia Analysis - MCOA
mcolors Colour palette generation from matrix of RGB values
mfa Multiple Factor Analysis - MFA
multiblock_plots Plot Functions for Multiblock Objects
multiblock_results Result Functions for Multiblock Objects

-- P --

pca Principal Component Analysis - PCA
pcagca PCA-GCA
pcp Result functions for SO-PLS models
pcp.default Result functions for SO-PLS models
pcp.sopls Result functions for SO-PLS models
plot.cvanova Result functions for SO-PLS models
plot.lpls Result functions for L-PLS objects ('lpls')
popls Parallel and Orthogonalised Partial Least Squares - PO-PLS
potato Sensory, rheological, chemical and spectroscopic analysis of potatoes.
predict.lpls Result functions for L-PLS objects ('lpls')
predict.rosa Result functions for ROSA models
predict.sopls Result functions for SO-PLS models
preprocess Preprocessing of block data
print.asca ASCA Result Methods
print.cvanova Result functions for SO-PLS models
print.multiblock Result Functions for Multiblock Objects
print.rosa Result functions for ROSA models
print.rosaexpl Result functions for ROSA models
print.sopls Result functions for SO-PLS models
print.SO_TDI Total, direct, indirect and additional effects in SO-PLS-PM.
print.SO_TDI_multiple Total, direct, indirect and additional effects in SO-PLS-PM.
print.summary.asca ASCA Result Methods
projections ASCA Result Methods
projections.asca ASCA Result Methods

-- R --

R2.sopls Result functions for SO-PLS models
residuals.sopls Result functions for SO-PLS models
RMSEP.sopls Result functions for SO-PLS models
rosa Response Oriented Sequential Alternation - ROSA
rosa.classify Result functions for ROSA models
rosa_plots Plotting functions for ROSA models
rosa_results Result functions for ROSA models

-- S --

sca Simultaneous Component Analysis - SCA
scoreplot.asca ASCA Result Methods
scoreplot.multiblock Plot Functions for Multiblock Objects
scoreplot.sopls Scores, loadings and plots for sopls objects
scores.asca ASCA Result Methods
scores.multiblock Result Functions for Multiblock Objects
scores.rosa Result functions for ROSA models
scores.sopls Scores, loadings and plots for sopls objects
simulated Data simulated to have certain characteristics.
smbpls Sparse Multiblock Partial Least Squares - sMB-PLS
sopls Sequential and Orthogonalized PLS (SO-PLS)
sopls_plots Scores, loadings and plots for sopls objects
sopls_pm Total, direct, indirect and additional effects in SO-PLS-PM.
sopls_pm_multiple Total, direct, indirect and additional effects in SO-PLS-PM.
sopls_results Result functions for SO-PLS models
SO_TDI Total, direct, indirect and additional effects in SO-PLS-PM.
statis Structuration des Tableaux à Trois Indices de la Statistique - STATIS
summary.asca ASCA Result Methods
summary.cvanova Result functions for SO-PLS models
summary.multiblock Result Functions for Multiblock Objects
summary.rosa Result functions for ROSA models
summary.sopls Result functions for SO-PLS models
supervised Supervised Multiblock Methods

-- U --

unique_combos Unique combinations of blocks
unsupervised Unsupervised Multiblock Methods

-- W --

wine Wines of Val de Loire