Enrichment Analysis using Multiple Ontologies and FDR Correction

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Documentation for package ‘mulea’ version 1.0.1

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filter_ontology Filter Ontology
gsea Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA)
gsea-class Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA)
list_to_gmt Convert a list to ontology (GMT) 'data.frame'.
MuleaHypergeometricTest PRIVATE class : An S4 class to represent a Hypergeometric tests in mulea.
MuleaHypergeometricTest-class PRIVATE class : An S4 class to represent a Hypergeometric tests in mulea.
ora An S4 class to represent a set based tests in mulea.
ora-class An S4 class to represent a set based tests in mulea.
plot_barplot Plot Barplot
plot_graph Plot Graph (Network)
plot_heatmap Plot Heatmap
plot_lollipop Plot Lollipop
read_gmt Read GMT File
reshape_results Reshape Results
run_test Run enrichment analysis procedure
run_test-method PRIVATE class : An S4 class to represent a Hypergeometric tests in mulea.
run_test-method PRIVATE class : An S4 class to represent a Hypergeometric tests in mulea.
run_test-method PRIVATE class : An S4 class to represent a ranked based tests in mulea.
run_test-method Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA)
run_test-method Run enrichment analysis procedure
SetBasedEnrichmentTest PRIVATE class : An S4 class to represent a Hypergeometric tests in mulea.
SetBasedEnrichmentTest-class PRIVATE class : An S4 class to represent a Hypergeometric tests in mulea.
SubramanianTest PRIVATE class : An S4 class to represent a ranked based tests in mulea.
SubramanianTest-class PRIVATE class : An S4 class to represent a ranked based tests in mulea.
write_gmt Write GMT file