Analyze MS/MS Protein Melting Data

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Documentation for package ‘mstherm’ version 0.4.7

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mstherm-package Model and analyze MS/MS-based protein melting data. MSResultSet to data frame.
model_experiment Model MSThermExperiment.
model_protein Model single protein.
mstherm Model and analyze MS/MS-based protein melting data.
MSThermExperiment Create a new MSThermExperiment.
normalize_to_profile Normalize to a profile.
normalize_to_std Normalize to a spike-in standard.
normalize_to_tm Re-normalize based on Tm.
plot.MSThermResult Plot MSThermResult object.
plot.MSThermResultSet Plot MSThermResultSet object.
summary.MSThermResult Summarize MSThermResult object.
summary.MSThermResultSet Summarize MSThermResultSet object.
write.sqlite Export MSThermResultSet to an SQLite database.