Project MOSAIC Statistics and Mathematics Teaching Utilities

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Documentation for package ‘mosaic’ version 1.9.1

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A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T U V X Z misc

mosaic-package mosaic: the Project MOSAIC package

-- A --

adapt_seq Adaptively generate sequences in an interval
aggregatingFunction1 1-ary Aggregating functions
aggregatingFunction1or2 1- or 2-ary aggregating functions
aggregatingFunction2 2-ary aggregating functions
as.xtabs Convert objects to xtabs format Convert objects to xtabs format
as.xtabs.matrix Convert objects to xtabs format
ashplot Average Shifted Histograms

-- B --

bargraph Create bar graphs from raw data
binom.test Exact Tests for Proportions
Broyden Multi-Dimensional Root Finding

-- C --

cdata The Data Distribution
cdata_f The Data Distribution
cdata_v The Data Distribution
cdist Central portion of a distribution
chisq Extract Chi-squared statistic
chisq.default Extract Chi-squared statistic
chisq.htest Extract Chi-squared statistic
chisq.table Extract Chi-squared statistic
CIAdata Return a dataset based on the CIA World Factbook
CIsim Compute confidence intervals from (multiple) simulated data sets
cnorm Central Probability in a Normal or T Distribution
coef.nlsfunction Fit a nonlinear least squares model
col.mosaic Lattice Theme
compareMean Defunct functions
compareProportion Defunct functions
confint Confidence interval methods for output of resampling Confidence interval methods for output of resampling Confidence interval methods for output of resampling Confidence interval methods for output of resampling
confint.htest Extract summary statistics
confint.numeric Confidence interval methods for output of resampling
confint.summary.lm Confidence interval methods for output of resampling
connector Create function from data
cor Aggregating functions
cor.test Alternative formula interface for cor.test
cor_test Alternative formula interface for cor.test
cor_test.default Alternative formula interface for cor.test
cor_test.formula Alternative formula interface for cor.test
cov Aggregating functions
cross Factor cross products
ct Central Probability in a Normal or T Distribution
cull_for_do Cull objects used with do()

-- D --

ddata The Data Distribution
ddata_f The Data Distribution
ddata_v The Data Distribution
deal More Random Samples
deg2rad Convert between degrees and radians
deltaMethod Defunct functions
derivedFactor Create new variables from logicals
derivedVariable Create new variables from logicals
design_plot Interactively design plots
diffmean Difference in means and proportions
diffprop Difference in means and proportions
Do Do Things Repeatedly
do Do Things Repeatedly
do.default Do Things Repeatedly
do.numeric Do Things Repeatedly
docFile Return the path to a documentation file in a package
dot Projections
dotPlot Dotplots
dpqrdist Distribution wrapper

-- E --

expandFun Expand the left-hand side of a formula

-- F --

factorise Conditionally convert vectors to factors
factorize Conditionally convert vectors to factors
factorize.character Conditionally convert vectors to factors Conditionally convert vectors to factors
factorize.default Conditionally convert vectors to factors
factorize.numeric Conditionally convert vectors to factors
favstats Aggregating functions
fav_stats Some favorite statistical summaries
fetchData Defunct functions now in the fetch package
fetchGapminder Defunct functions now in the fetch package
fetchGapminder1 Defunct functions now in the fetch package
fetchGoogle Defunct functions now in the fetch package
findZeros Find zeros of functions
findZerosMult Find the zeros of a function of two or more variables
fitModel Fit a nonlinear least squares model
fitSpline Fit splines to data
fivenum Aggregating functions
fortify.hclust mosaic tools for clustering
fortify.summary.glm Extract data from R objects
fortify.summary.lm Extract data from R objects
fortify.TukeyHSD Extract data from R objects
freqpoly Turn histograms into frequency polygons
freqpolygon Frequency Polygons
FunctionsFromData Create function from data

-- G --

getVarFormula Extract data from a data frame using a formula interface
googleMap Display a point on earth on a Google Map
gwm Defunct functions

-- H --

hist2freqpolygon Turn histograms into frequency polygons
histogram Augmented histograms

-- I --

inferArgs Infer arguments
IQR Aggregating functions
iqr Aggregating functions
is.wholenumber Check for whole number values

-- L --

ladd Add to Lattice Plots
latlon2xyz Convert back and forth between latitude/longitude and XYZ-space
leaflet_map Simple Leaflet Maps
linear.algebra Functions for teaching linear algebra.
linearModel Create function from data
lonlat2xyz Convert back and forth between latitude/longitude and XYZ-space

-- M --

MAD All pairs mean and sum of absolute differences
MAD_ All pairs mean and sum of absolute differences
maggregate Aggregate for mosaic
makeColorscheme Create a color generating function from a vector of colors
makeMap Make a map with 'ggplot2'
mat Functions for teaching linear algebra.
max Aggregating functions
mean Aggregating functions
mean_ Aggregating functions
median Aggregating functions
mid midpoints along a sequence
min Aggregating functions
mm Defunct functions
mMap Interactive plotting
model Fit a nonlinear least squares model
model.nlsfunction Fit a nonlinear least squares model
mosaic mosaic: the Project MOSAIC package
mosaic.getOption Setting options for mosaic package functions
mosaic.options Setting options for mosaic package functions
mosaic.par.get Setting options for mosaic package functions
mosaic.par.set Setting options for mosaic package functions
mosaicGetOption Setting options for mosaic package functions
mosaicLatticeOptions Setting options for mosaic package functions
mPlot Interactive plotting
mplot Generic plotting Generic plotting
mplot.default Generic plotting
mplot.hclust mosaic tools for clustering
mplot.lm Generic plotting
mplot.summary.lm Generic plotting
mplot.TukeyHSD Generic plotting
mScatter Interactive plotting
mUniplot Interactive plotting
mUSMap Make a US map with 'ggplot2'
Mustangs Mustang Prices
mWorldMap Make a world map with 'ggplot2'

-- N --

nflip Tossing Coins
ntiles Create vector based on roughly equally sized groups

-- O --

oddsRatio Odds Ratio and Relative Risk for 2 x 2 Contingency Tables
orrr Odds Ratio and Relative Risk for 2 x 2 Contingency Tables

-- P --

panel.ashplot Average Shifted Histograms
panel.cumfreq Cumulative frequency plots
panel.dotPlot Dotplots
panel.freqpolygon Frequency Polygons
panel.levelcontourplot Lattice plot that draws a filled contour plot
panel.lmbands show confidence and prediction bands on plots
panel.plotFun Panel function for plotting functions
panel.plotFun1 Panel function for plotting functions
panel.xhistogram Augmented histograms
panel.xqqmath Augmented version of 'qqmath'
pdata The Data Distribution
pdata_f The Data Distribution
pdata_v The Data Distribution
pdist Illustrated probability calculations from distributions
perctable Defunct functions
plot.freqpolygon Turn histograms into frequency polygons
plotCumfreq Cumulative frequency plots
plotCumfreq.default Cumulative frequency plots
plotCumfreq.formula Cumulative frequency plots
plotDist Plots of Discrete and Continuous Distributions
plotFun Plotting mathematical expressions
plotModel Plot a regression model
plotModel.default Plot a regression model
plotModel.parsedModel Plot a regression model
plotPoints Scatter plot of points
prepanel.cumfreq Cumulative frequency plots
prepanel.default.ashplot Average Shifted Histograms
prepanel.default.freqpolygon Frequency Polygons
prepanel.xhistogram Augmented histograms
print.cointoss Tossing Coins
print.oddsRatio Odds Ratio and Relative Risk for 2 x 2 Contingency Tables
print.relrisk Odds Ratio and Relative Risk for 2 x 2 Contingency Tables
print.repeater Do Things Repeatedly
prod Aggregating functions
project Projections
project-method Projections
prop.test Exact and Approximate Tests for Proportions
proptable Defunct functions
prop_test Internal function for testing proportion
pval Extract summary statistics
pval.htest Extract summary statistics

-- Q --

qdata The Data Distribution
qdata_f The Data Distribution
qdata_v The Data Distribution
qdist Illustrated quantile calculations from distributions
quantile Aggregating functions

-- R --

r.squared Defunct functions
rad2deg Convert between degrees and radians
rand Random Regressors
range Aggregating functions
rdata The Data Distribution
rdata_f The Data Distribution
rdata_v The Data Distribution
read.file Read data files
relm Resample a Linear Model
relrisk Odds Ratio and Relative Risk for 2 x 2 Contingency Tables
repeater-class Repeater objects
resample More Random Samples
rescale Rescale
rescale.character Rescale Rescale
rescale.default Rescale
rescale.factor Rescale
rescale.numeric Rescale
restoreLatticeOptions Setting options for mosaic package functions
rflip Tossing Coins
rfun Generate a natural-looking function
rgeo Sample longitude and latitude on a sphere
rgeo2 Sample longitude and latitude on a sphere
rlatlon Sample longitude and latitude on a sphere
rlonlat Sample longitude and latitude on a sphere
rpoly2 Generate a natural-looking function
rspin Simulate spinning a spinner
rsquared Extract r-squared value
rstudio_is_available Check whether RStudio is in use

-- S --

SAD All pairs mean and sum of absolute differences
SAD_ All pairs mean and sum of absolute differences
sample More Random Samples More Random Samples
sample.default More Random Samples
sample.factor More Random Samples
sample.lm More Random Samples
sample.matrix More Random Samples
sd Aggregating functions
set.rseed Set seed in parallel compatible way
shuffle More Random Samples
singvals Functions for teaching linear algebra.
Sleep Sleep and Memory
smoother Create function from data
solve.formula Find zeros of functions
sp2df Transforms a shapefile into a dataframe
spliner Create function from data
standardCountry Standardization of Geographic Names
standardName Standardization of Geographic Names
standardState Standardization of Geographic Names
stat Extract summary statistics
stat.htest Extract summary statistics
stat.uneval Extract summary statistics
statTally Tally test statistics
sum Aggregating functions
summary.nlsfunction Fit a nonlinear least squares model
summary.oddsRatio Odds Ratio and Relative Risk for 2 x 2 Contingency Tables
summary.relrisk Odds Ratio and Relative Risk for 2 x 2 Contingency Tables
surround Format strings for pretty output
swap Swap values among columns of a data frame

-- T --

t.test Student's t-Test
theme.mosaic Lattice Theme
theme_map ggplot2 theme for maps
TukeyHSD.formula Additional interfaces to TukeyHSD
TukeyHSD.lm Additional interfaces to TukeyHSD
t_test Student's t-Test
t_test.default Student's t-Test
t_test.formula Student's t-Test

-- U --

update_ci Update confidence interval

-- V --

value Extract value from an object
value.default Extract value from an object
value.integrate Extract value from an object
var Aggregating functions
vlength Projections

-- X --

xcbeta Central portion of a distribution
xcbinom Central portion of a distribution
xcchisq Central portion of a distribution
xcf Central portion of a distribution
xcgamma Central portion of a distribution
xcgeom Central portion of a distribution
xchisq.test Augmented Chi-squared test
xcnbinom Central portion of a distribution
xcnorm Augmented versions of pnorm and qnorm
xcpois Central portion of a distribution
xct Central portion of a distribution
xhistogram Defunct functions
xhistogramBreaks Augmented histograms
xpbeta Illustrated probability calculations from distributions
xpbinom Illustrated probability calculations from distributions
xpchisq Illustrated probability calculations from distributions
xpf Illustrated probability calculations from distributions
xpgamma Illustrated probability calculations from distributions
xpgeom Illustrated probability calculations from distributions
xpnbinom Illustrated probability calculations from distributions
xpnorm Augmented versions of pnorm and qnorm
xppois Illustrated probability calculations from distributions
xpt Illustrated probability calculations from distributions
xqbeta Illustrated quantile calculations from distributions
xqbinom Illustrated quantile calculations from distributions
xqchisq Illustrated quantile calculations from distributions
xqf Illustrated quantile calculations from distributions
xqgamma Illustrated quantile calculations from distributions
xqgeom Illustrated quantile calculations from distributions
xqnbinom Illustrated quantile calculations from distributions
xqnorm Augmented versions of pnorm and qnorm
xqpois Illustrated quantile calculations from distributions
xqqmath Augmented version of 'qqmath'
xqt Illustrated quantile calculations from distributions
xyz2latlon Convert back and forth between latitude/longitude and XYZ-space

-- Z --

zscore Compute z-scores

-- misc --

*-method Do Things Repeatedly