moduleColor-package |
Basic Module Functions |
checkSets |
Check structure and retrieve sizes of a group of datasets. |
collectGarbage |
Iterative garbage collection. |
consensusMEDissimilarity |
Consensus dissimilarity of module eigengenes. |
consensusOrderMEs |
Put close eigenvectors next to each other in several sets. |
fixDataStructure |
Put single-set data into a form useful for multiset calculations. |
labels2colors |
Convert numerical labels to colors. |
mergeCloseModules |
Merge close modules of gene expression data. |
moduleColor |
Basic Module Functions |
moduleColor.getMEprefix |
Get the prefix used to label module eigengenes. |
moduleColor.revisionDate |
Get the last revision date of the package. |
moduleColor.setMEprefix |
Set the prefix used to label module eigengenes. |
moduleColor.version |
Get the version number of the package. |
moduleEigengenes |
Calculate module eigengenes. |
moduleNumber |
Fixed-height cut of a dendrogram. |
multiSetMEs |
Calculate module eigengenes. |
normalizeLabels |
Transform numerical labels into normal order. |
orderMEs |
Put close eigenvectors next to each other |
plotHclustColors |
Plot color rows corresponding to modules |
removeGreyME |
Removes the grey eigengene from a given collection of eigengenes. |
standardColors |
Colors this library uses for labeling modules. |