modnets {modnets} | R Documentation |
modnets: Modeling Moderated Networks
Methods for modeling and plotting various types of moderated networks, including tools for model selection. Model selection tools can be employed for any type of moderated network, and include methods based on the LASSO as well as resampling techniques such as bootstrapping, multi-sample splitting, and stability selection. The primary model types include:
Cross-section moderated networks
Temporal (idiographic) moderated networks
Multi-level moderated networks
Core Package Functions
Model fitting: | fitNetwork, mlGVAR,
lmerVAR |
Variable selection: | varSelect,
resample, modSelect |
Model comparison: |
modLL, modTable, SURll, SURtable |
Simulating network data: | simNet, mlGVARsim,
mnetPowerSim |
Centrality and clustering: |
centTable, clustTable |
Adjacency matrices: |
net, netInts |
Bootstrapping and stability: |
bootNet |
Plotting functions are available for all model objects and can be accessed
through the plot()
S3 generic.
Package: | modnets |
Title: | Modeling Moderated Networks |
Version: | 0.9.0 |
Author: | Trevor Swanson |
Maintainer: | |
URL: | |
BugReports: | |
License: | GPL-3 |
Imports: | abind, corpcor, ggplot2, glinternet, glmnet, gridExtra, gtools, igraph, interactionTest, leaps, lme4, lmerTest, Matrix, methods, mvtnorm, parallel, pbapply, plyr, psych, qgraph, reshape2, systemfit |
Suggests: | sn, arm, hierNet, psychTools |
Date: | 2021-09-26 |
Trevor Swanson
Maintainer: Trevor Swanson
Swanson, T. J. (2020). Modeling moderators in psychological networks (Publication No. 28000912) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Kansas]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.