Modeling Moderated Networks

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Documentation for package ‘modnets’ version 0.9.0

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bfiDat bfi data
bootNet Bootstrapping network estimation for moderated networks
bootNetDescriptives Descriptive statistics for 'bootNet' objects
centAuto Node centrality, clustering coefficients, and shortest path lengths
CentClust Node centrality, clustering coefficients, and shortest path lengths
centPlot Plots for node centrality values or clustering coefficients
CentralityAndClustering Create table of centrality values or clustering coefficients
CentralityAndClusteringPlots Plots for node centrality values or clustering coefficients
centTable Create table of centrality values or clustering coefficients
clustAuto Node centrality, clustering coefficients, and shortest path lengths
clustPlot Plots for node centrality values or clustering coefficients
clustTable Create table of centrality values or clustering coefficients
compareVAR Compare two to three 'lmerVAR' models
condPlot Conditional effects plot
cscoef Descriptive statistics for 'bootNet' objects
fitNetwork Fit cross-sectional and idiographic moderated network models
getFitCIs Provides model coefficients with confidence intervals
ggmDat Simulated GGM data
gvarDat Simulated temporal network data
intsPlot Plot confidence intervals for interaction terms
lmerVAR Mixed-effects modeling for the GVAR in multilevel data
LogLikelihood Log-likelihood functions and Likelihood Ratio Tests for moderated networks
mlGVAR Fit GVAR models with multilevel data
mlgvarDat Simulated multi-level network data
mlGVARsim Main workhorse for simulating VAR and mlGVAR data
mnetPowerSim Power simulator for cross-sectional and idiographic networks
modLL Log-likelihood functions and Likelihood Ratio Tests for moderated networks
modnets modnets: Modeling Moderated Networks
modSelect Select a model based on output from 'resample'
modTable Log-likelihood functions and Likelihood Ratio Tests for moderated networks
net Get adjacency matrices from fit objects
netInts Get adjacency matrices from fit objects
ordinalize Convert continuous variables into ordinal variables
plot.bootNet Plot 'bootNet' outputs
plot.ggm Plot moderated and unmoderated network models
plot.ggmSim Plot moderated and unmoderated network models
plot.GVARsim Plot moderated and unmoderated network models
plot.lmerVAR Plot moderated and unmoderated network models
plot.mlGVAR Plot moderated and unmoderated network models
plot.mlGVARsim Plot moderated and unmoderated network models
plot.mnetPower Plot results of power simulations
plot.resample Plot method for output of resample function
plot.SURnet Plot moderated and unmoderated network models
plotBoot Plot 'bootNet' outputs
plotCentrality Plots for node centrality values or clustering coefficients
plotCoefs Plot model coefficients with confidence intervals
plotMods Plot conditional networks at different levels of the moderator
plotNet Plot moderated and unmoderated network models
plotNet2 Plot temporal and contemporaneous networks in the same window
plotNet3 Plot temporal, contemporaneous, and between-subject networks
plotPower Plot results of power simulations
plotPvals Plot the ECDF of p-values from resampling
plotStability Plot stability selection paths for a given outcome
predictNet Calculate prediction error from network models
resample Bootstrapping or multi-sample splits for variable selection
sampleSize Reports the minimum sample size required to fit a network model
selected Shows which variables were selected for each node of a network
simNet Simulate network structure and data
summary.bootNet Descriptive statistics for 'bootNet' objects
summary.mnetPower Descriptive statistics for power simulation results
SURfit Fit SUR models with or without constraints
SURll Log-likelihood functions and Likelihood Ratio Tests for moderated networks
SURnet Creates temporal and contemporaneous network of SUR results
SURtable Log-likelihood functions and Likelihood Ratio Tests for moderated networks
varSelect Variable selection for moderated networks