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Documentation for package ‘mmstat4’ version 0.2.1

Help Pages

askUser askUser
association Association measures
cdf Generates and plots a cumulative distribution function.
cdf.default Generates and plots a cumulative distribution function.
checkFiles Checks whether all specified files are valid R or Python files
concordant Association measures
defaultApp defaultApp
discordant Association measures
display Create and display a note
dupFiles Find duplicate files
eta Association measures
getList getList
getMMstat getMMstat
getText getText
gh gh functions
ghapp gh functions
ghappAddin ghappAddin
ghc Creates a 'ghdecompose' pbject
ghdata gh functions
ghdecompose ghdecompose
ghfile ghfile
ghget ghget
ghinstall ghinstall
ghlist ghlist
ghload gh functions
ghopen gh functions
ghopenAddin ghopenAddin
ghpath ghpath
ghquery ghquery
ghrepos ghrepos
ghsource gh functions
ghzip Creates a ZIP file or directory with files
isLocal isLocal
modlist Extract 'library' and 'require' calls in R and 'import' calls from Python
modules Extract 'library' and 'require' calls in R and 'import' calls from Python Association measures
nom.CV Association measures
nom.lamba Association measures
nom.lambda Association measures
nom.phi Association measures
nom.TT Association measures
nom.uncertainty Association measures
normpathes normpathes
note Create and display a note
openFile openFile
ord.gamma Association measures
ord.somers.d Association measures
ord.tau Association measures
pkglist Extract 'library' and 'require' calls in R and 'import' calls from Python
plot.cdf Generates and plots a cumulative distribution function.
py_env py_env
Rdups Find duplicate files
Rlibs Extract 'library' and 'require' calls in R and 'import' calls from Python
Rsolo Checks whether all specified files are valid R or Python files
ties.col Association measures
ties.row Association measures
toInt toInt
toNum toNum
urlExists urlExists