Visualizations for 'mlr3'

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Documentation for package ‘mlr3viz’ version 0.8.0

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mlr3viz-package mlr3viz: Visualizations for 'mlr3'
as_precrec Convert to 'precrec' Format
as_precrec.BenchmarkResult Convert to 'precrec' Format
as_precrec.PredictionClassif Convert to 'precrec' Format
as_precrec.ResampleResult Convert to 'precrec' Format
autoplot.BenchmarkResult Plots for Benchmark Results
autoplot.Filter Plots for Filter Scores
autoplot.LearnerClassif Plot for Classification Learners
autoplot.LearnerClassifCVGlmnet Plots for GLMNet Learners
autoplot.LearnerClassifGlmnet Plots for GLMNet Learners
autoplot.LearnerClassifRpart Plots for Rpart Learners
autoplot.LearnerClustHierarchical Plots for Hierarchical Clustering Learners
autoplot.LearnerRegr Plot for Regression Learners
autoplot.LearnerRegrCVGlmnet Plots for GLMNet Learners
autoplot.LearnerRegrGlmnet Plots for GLMNet Learners
autoplot.LearnerRegrRpart Plots for Rpart Learners
autoplot.OptimInstanceSingleCrit Plots for Optimization Instances
autoplot.PredictionClassif Plots for Classification Predictions
autoplot.PredictionClust Plots for Cluster Predictions
autoplot.PredictionRegr Plots for Regression Predictions
autoplot.ResampleResult Plots for Resample Results
autoplot.TaskClassif Plots for Classification Tasks
autoplot.TaskClust Plots for Clustering Tasks
autoplot.TaskRegr Plots for Regression Tasks
autoplot.TuningInstanceSingleCrit Plots for Tuning Instances
mlr3viz mlr3viz: Visualizations for 'mlr3'
plot_learner_prediction Plots for Learner Predictions
predict_grid Generates a data.table of evenly distributed points.