mkde-package | Movement-based kernel density estimates (MKDEs) in 2 or 3 spatial dimensions. |
computeAreaRaster | Calculate cell areas from elevation raster. |
computeContourValues | Find thresholds for contour intervals |
computeSizeMKDE | Compute the area or volume of an MKDE. |
condor | California condor locations |
deselectLocationsOutsideBounds | Flag 3D locations with out-of-bounds z-coordinates |
deselectNonMovementSteps | Flag non-movements so they are excluded from MKDE estimation |
dugong | Dugong locations |
estVarMKDE | Estimate move variances for 3D MKDE. |
initializeAreaRaster | Initialize an area raster for a 2.5D MKDE. |
initializeDensity | Calculate raster of density values for MKDE. |
initializeMKDE2D | Set up a 2D MKDE object. |
initializeMKDE3D | Set up a 3D MKDE object. |
initializeMovementData | Initialize a movement data list |
mkde | Movement-based kernel density estimates (MKDEs) in 2 or 3 spatial dimensions. |
mkde2Dgrid | Movement-based kernel density estimate (MKDE) in 2D using Rcpp |
mkde2Dinteraction | Probability of 2D spatial-temporal interaction. |
mkde3Dgrid | Movement-based kernel density estimate (MKDE) in 3D using Rcpp |
mkde3Dinteraction | Probability of 3D spatial-temporal interaction. |
mkdeToRaster | MKDE to RasterLayer or RasterStack |
panda | Giant panda locations |
plotMKDE | Make an image plot of an MKDE. |
readdem_example | Read digital elevation model (DEM) data sets |
setMaximumZfromConstant | Initialize maximum allowable z-axis coordinates to a constant value. |
setMaximumZfromRaster | Initialize maximum z-axis value from a raster |
setMinimumZfromConstant | Set minimum z-axis value to a constant. |
setMinimumZfromRaster | Set minimum z-axis values from a raster |
writeInterpolatedPathVTK | Write path to VTK. |
writeObservedLocationVTK | Write observed locations to VTK. |
writeRasterToVTK | Write a 2D raster to XDMF XML wrapper and binary data file. |
writeRasterToXDMF | Write a 2D raster to XDMF XML wrapper and binary data file. |
writeToGRASS | Write MKDE to a GRASS GIS 3D ASCII raster file. |
writeToVTK | Write MKDE to an ASCII Visualization Tool Kit (VTK) structured grid file. |
writeToXDMF | Write 3D MKDE to XDMF XML wrapper and binary data file. |