Missing Person Identification Tools

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Documentation for package ‘mispitools’ version 1.0.0

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Argentina STRs allelic frequencies from specified country.
Asia STRs allelic frequencies from specified country.
Austria STRs allelic frequencies from specified country.
BosniaHerz STRs allelic frequencies from specified country.
China STRs allelic frequencies from specified country.
Cmodel Epsilon hair color matrix
combLR Combine LRs: a function for combining LRs obtained from simulations.
CondPlot General plot for condiionted probabilities and LR combining variables
CPT_MP Missing person based conditioned probability
CPT_POP Population based conditioned probability
deplot Decision making plot: a function for plotting false positive and false negative rates for each LR threshold.
DeT Decision Threshold: a function for computing likelihood ratio decision threshold.
Europe STRs allelic frequencies from specified country.
getfreqs Function for getting STR allele frequencies from different world populations.
Japan STRs allelic frequencies from specified country.
LRage Likelihood ratio for age variable
LRcol Likelihood ratio for age variable
LRdate Likelihood ratio for birth date in missing person searches
LRdist Likelihood ratio distribution: a function for plotting expected log10(LR) distributions under relatedness and unrelatedness.
LRsex Likelihood ratio for age variable
makeMPprelim Make preliminary investigation MP data simulations: a function for obtaining a database of preliminary investigation data for a missing person search.
makePOIgen Make POIs gen: a function for obtaining a database with genetic information from simulated POIs or UHRs.
makePOIprelim Make preliminary investigation POI/UHR data simulations: a function for obtaining a database of preliminary investigation data for a missing person search.
mispiApp Missing person shiny app
postSim postSim: A function for simulating posterior odds
simLRgen Simulate likelihoods ratio (LRs) based on genetic data: a function for obtaining expected LRs under relatedness and unrelatedness kinship hypothesis.
simLRprelim Simulate likelihoods ratio (LRs) based on preliminary investigation data: a function for obtaining expected LRs under relatedness and unrelatedness kinship hypothesis.
Trates Threshold rates: a function for computing error rates and Matthews correlation coefficient of a specific LR threshold.
USA STRs allelic frequencies from specified country.